The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1103: IQ often drops

What Gulu said was so reasonable that Junci couldn't refute it.

Ever since Jun Chengyue was madly ill by Jun Chengbai, he seemed to have this state from time to time.

Of course, what is wrong with him, Jun Ci has not found out until now, but it is clearly related to mental illness.

Mental illness is a very complicated illness, and it cannot be treated as a physical illness. Gulu is not clear about the specifics.

However, it still can't be changed, Jun Chengyue may tend to be a crazy fact.

At least in Jun Ci's mind, he is like this.

The lights and shadows interlaced at the banquet, and only a few people were always the focus of everyone.

As soon as Jun Zhiyi came out, he was in the middle of the hall and gave a speech welcoming his birthday party to the guests.

Jun Chengyue was beside him, and his eyes flicked over Jiang Yi and Jun Ci from time to time.

Ji Moyin moved from the crowd, not paying attention to Jun Zhiyi's speech, looked at Jun Ci with suspicion and surprise.

The gaze seemed to be a little bit of admiration in shock, making Jun Ci a little awkward.

Jiang Yi next to him noticed Ji Moyin's gaze, and looked at him viciously, "Just say what you want."

Remove your pig eyes from his wife!

Ji Moyin didn't mind Jiang Yi's polite question, but instead patted Jun Ci on the shoulder with admiration.

it is more than words.


Didn’t Ji Moyin think clearly about her and Jiang Yi?

For a while, Jun Ci began to suspect that it was because he pretended to be too good, or Ji Moyin's IQ was not at the human average level.

But if his IQ is not strong, the idea of ​​cooperating with her is still quite fast.

Gulu sighed: "His Royal Highness, it turns out that the situation that people on the earth often say that IQ is often dropped does exist, and Ji Moyin explained it well."

Junci felt that what Gulu said made sense.

Jiang Yi probably noticed it too, sneered, not expecting his brother's IQ.

Ji Moyin also came over and laughed at Jun Ci and asked, "Jun Ci, are you really willing to tolerate the existence of a shield on the face of Jiang Yi and you?"

Jun Ci couldn't help but laugh. This is not an explanation, nor is it not explained.

When Jiang Yi heard this, he turned his eyes and mocked: "We are happy!"

Ji Moyin was shocked.

Damn it because he couldn't keep up with the changes in these two people's minds for a while? Or is there a huge difference in the concept of love, and Junci is willing to tolerate such a situation?

But he still didn’t give up, and he came up and said a bold statement: "Brother Yi, I think even if you two want to be public, it would be too bad to let such a girl serve as your shield. Why don’t you introduce it to me? Find a more suitable one for you!"


Jiang Yi:...

Even if I don't have enough IQ, you still want to make women's porcelain?

Had it not been for the wrong occasion, Jiang Yi would have wanted to fight Ji Moyin on the spot.

His eyebrows wrinkled, and his face sank obviously. Ji Moyin instantly felt that this person's face changed suddenly, and there was something wrong with his brain!

Fortunately, Jing Fuxiao and Xia Hanyun who arrived at the scene rescued Ji Moyin in time.

These four people can be said to be the most outstanding princes in several families. They attracted everyone's attention in a flash, and even the Junci who was beside Jiang Yi received a lot of envy and jealousy.

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