He was a little surprised when he said this.

Jun Chengyue has never liked to take care of other things. Now that Junci's movie is released, he wants to watch it?

Before Jun Ci opened his mouth, Ji Moyin had a surprised suggestion: "Uncle Chengyue, you also want to go? We just made an appointment to go together. Why not go with Uncle Chengyue? I haven’t been to places like movie theaters. It’s unsafe for too many people. It’s safer to have us following you."


What's the matter, terrorists can blow up movie theaters?

The boy decided to stay silent to the end.

Instead, Jun Chengyue glanced at Junci. She probably realized something. Her smile was gentle and elegant: "No, there are too many people. I won't be used to it. Just go. I asked my subordinates to cover the movie theater. Contributed to Junci's box office."

He didn't follow, but Jun Ci felt a little relieved.

Regarding Jun Chengyue's saying that he wanted to book a place, Junci meant it and said lightly: "Thank you."

Jiang Yi glanced at Jun Ci suspiciously. He always felt that Jun Ci was more silent than usual when facing Jun Chengyue.

Doesn't seem to want to talk more.

This entanglement made Jiang Yi look a little tangled. Is it because Porcelain has any other feelings about Jun Chengyue, or is it that he doesn't like Uncle Chengyue?

After telling them about this matter, Jun Chengyue left. Jiang Yi and the others were originally going to chat with them, but then they were all called away by their own adults and went to meet other people.

Jun Ci came to the outside of the banquet, sat on a chair by the pool, drinking juice and looking at the bright moon in the sky.

Today, there are many stars, which is rare in the night of the imperial capital.

After a while, Jun Ci saw an unexpected person approaching.

The visitor stared his eyes, his delicate face was a little hideous, and he couldn't show joy anyway.

She wore a pink veil, which was a perfect match for her, but her temperament was destroyed by her expression, and she looked like a deep-seated woman.

This person is Song Wanfei who hasn't seen him for a long time.

Last time he was taught by Jiang Yi because the Song family offended Junci. The Song family didn’t get any good fruit. Instead, he was told by Mr. Jiang. In addition, the Song family’s enterprise has been affected to a certain extent, and it has not yet recovered. Vitality, its subsidiaries have been annexed by other competitors for several consecutive times.

Song Wanfei got into a catastrophe, and Father Xia didn’t help. The Song family was angry and anxious. Originally, they had some grievances against this little girl who had always been fond of them. After she quit the Long Mansion, they hurriedly found a rich. Three generations are engaged.

With Song Wanfei proud, she could not tolerate such a thing from happening to herself, but without the indulgence of her parents, Song Wanfei found that she had no capital that she could override in the past.

She offended Jiang Yi and Jun Ci, and her sister, Xia Changqing, who had always liked her, was very indifferent to her, especially the Song family was affected, but Xia Changqing can still date the Jing family’s heir, Jing Fuxiao, which makes her look even more so Song Wanfei Poor, Song Wanfei was jealous, but he counted all of this to Jun Ci!

But she has no ability to seek revenge from Jun Ci. This time Jun family banquet, she begged her parents to bring her here.

However, when she saw Junci who was the focus of the banquet, the new hatred and the old hatred immediately made her angry.

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