The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1108: Junci is not that kind of person

Junci not only doubted Song Wanfei's IQ.

Under normal circumstances, it is not easy for Song Wanfei to catch a person in this way. What's more, what can she do even if she catches her?

Fight with her?

Jun Ci felt that Song Wanfei might have to get rid of half her life.

Song Wanfei has made herself like this without doing it herself, and her combat effectiveness is simply not proportional.

Song Wanfei fell to the ground and hit her wrist sturdily. Her painful tears burst out at that time.

What made her even more unacceptable was that such a big face was lost in front of Junci. She was lying on the ground without a face and got up, crying loudly.

The teenager showed his high quality and resisted a laugh.

After all, the burst of laughter in my head was so obvious.

However, Song Wanfei's movement alarmed the people in the Jun's family banquet, and soon someone came out to see this scene, and then more and more celebrities followed.

"Wan Fei?"

Xia Changqing trot over first, holding the hem of the purple gauze dress.

The youth's elegant voice reminded: "Slide by the pool, slow down."

Xia Changqing froze for a moment, then nodded, slowed down, and frowned slightly in front of Song Wanfei who had changed to squatting on the ground sobbing, "Wanfei, why are you crying?"

To be honest, this kind of behavior does not matter whether you are wronged or not. From the perspective of the big family, it is a bit embarrassing.

Lost the style he should have.

No matter how uncomfortable, you shouldn't cry so embarrassedly in front of everyone.

But how could Xia Changqing understand the pain and anger in Song Wanfei's heart? Hearing the blame in Xia Changqing's tone, I felt even more angry.

This cousin really doesn't care about her face at all.

She kept crying and did not speak. Jing Fuxiao and Jiang Yi all walked past the crowd. Xia Changqing glanced at the teenager who was standing on the side and seemed to be irrelevant, and she knew that she would never think about it. Maybe it was Jun Ci, but he asked in a soothing tone: "Jun Ci, what's the matter with my sister?"

The boy glanced at the people on the ground, and said in a weak tone: "It slipped on the ground and fell."

When she spoke, Song Wanfei cried even harder.

Jing Fuxiao and the others walked over with ugly faces, especially Jing Fuxiao, whose eyes seemed to eat Song Wanfei. Song Wanfei did so on such occasions to lose the face of Xia's long love. What did Jing Fuxiao think Song Wanfei?

Jiang Yi stepped forward, first glanced at Junci up and down, and then asked worriedly, "Is it all right?"

Obviously the people on the ground were crying, but he first asked if there was anything wrong with the people standing next to him. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the difference in treatment was too obvious.

Jiang Yi's words seemed to blow off the last string in Song Wanfei's mind. She suddenly got up and pointed at Jun Ci with tears streaming down her face and said, "It's her, it's me she pushed!"

Everyone was in an uproar when he said this.

It's one thing for her to cry, but if she was pushed down by others, wouldn't she push people too much?

Before the others said anything, Jiang Yi exploded first, and looked at Song Wanfei furiously: "How can Junci push you? If you talk nonsense, I will pull out your tongue!"

Under the eyes of everyone, his dark face and threatening appearance is really terrifying. Xia Changqing glanced at Junci and then at Song Wanfei, hesitatingly said: "Wanfei, there are some things you can't talk about, Junci is not like that. people."

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