The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 111: Rent a house

Back in the room, Junci began to pack things.

"Guru, send the house coordinates to my phone, and I will let the driver locate it later."

"Your Highness, it has been sent."

Junci signed an appointment with Lizi Video Network in the morning, and it was time to visit the house in the afternoon.

Right now, there is one million on his body for the time being, and there will be another 12 million in the account. After deducting taxes, Junci will probably get around 10 million.

He easily jumped into the ranks of multimillionaires, and if he was squeezed, he would still be able to buy a good house in the Imperial City.

But Junci has no such idea for the time being.

I would rather rent, but rent the best one.

The coordinates that Gulu gave were a single high-end apartment building near Longfu University.

Longfu University is equivalent to being located in the center of the Imperial Capital. It can be said that it is already the core area of ​​power, and the housing prices are even more unreasonable.

The quadrangle courtyards in the ordinary alleys surrounding the square are expensive everywhere.

The high-end apartment buildings located near Longfu University may not be affordable by most ordinary people in their entire lives.

Many powerful families live here, including celebrities.

The rent is a sky high price of 150,000 yuan every month.

Even if Junci rents for half a year, there is still no pressure.

And the selling is extremely hot.

Gulu also screened a lot of places beforehand before setting it for Jun Ci.

Junci is most suitable here.

And the decoration has been perfected, except that the tenant needs to change the decoration style, it is completely possible to move in with a bag.

So, because I decided to rent, Junci has already booked it. In the afternoon, I actually paid the money to see the room.

When taking a taxi, Jun Ci considered and discussed with Gulu: "Gulu, I'd better go to get a driver’s license. It’s the transportation of the Imperial Capital. It’s not convenient to go anywhere without a car."

"His Royal Highness, considering the traffic conditions in the imperial capital, it is best to ride a bicycle."

Gulu made a sincere suggestion.

Junci: "..."

"And if your Royal Highness really wants to take the test, Gulu can make a driver's license for His Royal Highness directly, you don't need to take the test.

"That's what I said, I have to learn."

She doesn't know how to drive. Gulu can solve the driver's license but not her driving problem.

Gulu is confident in Junci, "His Royal Highness, I'll find some videos for you, you can follow along, and Gulu can arrange it for you directly."

Junci hesitated for a moment, and then said: "It's okay. After the house is optimistic, go and pick up a car for me. When the ten million is down, the price does not need to be too expensive. Just consider a car less than 3 million."

In this way, Junci still felt that it could barely be completed.

Most people like Junci earn 10 million and buy a 3 million car immediately, I am afraid they will vomit blood.

"Good Your Highness."

Talking to Gulu in this way, I soon arrived at the apartment building that I wanted to see.

The apartment area here, called "Ruihe Huayuan", is one of the famous high-end buildings in the Imperial City.

There are three buildings in the community real estate, which are scattered and relatively open. Each building in the community has a swimming pool and gymnasium on one floor, including a movie theater, to meet all the needs of customers.

This is also a condition optimization made by many stars in the community.

The audit requirements to enter are very strict. When Junci came here, it naturally notified the person in charge of the real estate developer.

Let someone take her in.

In fact, she was just a cutscene.

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