They gave me a glance, no one wanted to give Song Wanfei a face.

Even the elders retired one after another, leaving only some juniors to watch the fun here.

Xia Chang's sentiment was not light, and he waited for someone to leave before saying: "You are a idiot, Wan Fei, have your family taught you to lie? How can you wrong Monarch?"

Song Wanfei was about to vomit blood, and now that Xia Changqing said that, she immediately felt ashamed to stay, and ran away crying again.

Xia Changqing paused in his footsteps. Originally, he wanted to catch up, but Jing Fuxiao pressed him calmly, so he had to stay and apologize to Jun Ci: "Sorry Jun Ci, Wan Fei did too much. I will apologize to you on her behalf, and I will definitely let her come to your house to make amends for you in the future."

"You don't have to apologize. It's not your duty to apologize. Sister Changqing, such a sister, don't contact me in the future. I think there is a problem with my brain.

The boy's straightforward words made Xia Changqing's complexion red and white, and then she could only turn into a bitter smile.

Today, in front of so many people, Song Wanfei dared to frame Junci, she knew that Song Wanfei would never stay in China.

Spending her life abroad is Song Wanfei's life for the rest of her life.

Not only did she offend Jun Ci today, but Jiang Yi's expression was not as good as the bottom of the pot.

Especially Xia Changqing is Song Wanfei's elder sister, Jiang Yi is a little unreasonable even Xia Changqing at this time, and takes Jun Ci away.

Xia Changqing knew about the relationship between the two people. At this time, seeing them so close, her expression was a little complicated, but soon after Jing Fuxiao whispered to her, she barely smiled.


"So that Song Wanfei is sick, and I won't let her get in the way of your eyes in the future."

Jiang Yi listened to Jun Ci in the back garden, and he hated Song Wanfei even more.

"An irrelevant person, needless to say too much."

People like Song Wanfei can actually bring freshness to Junci sometimes. After all, she hasn't seen it before, and she can see how wonderful some people are.


Taking advantage of no one around, Jiang Yi hooked Jun Ci with his fingers, and wanted to get a kiss, but Jun Ci put his finger against Jiang Yi's forehead: "There is a camera."

Jiang Yi glanced around, there were endless flowers and trees, and he was a little puzzled: "There can be cameras here? How do you know?"


Jun Ci didn't say much. In fact, Gulu reported in his mind that there was more than one camera here, and there were cameras almost everywhere in Jun's house.

The sentence Jun Chengyue said, even there are cameras by the pool, it's really not casual.

I really don't know how perverted such a family is and need to be monitored everywhere.

The only place that is not monitored is probably the bedroom and the like, and the plant garden where Jun Chengyue lives alone.

It's still night.

Jun Ci feels bored now, so he whispers to Jiang Yi, "I want to go back."

"I heard that Uncle Zhiyi originally wanted to stay here for one night. Since you want to go back, I will send you back."

Of course, Jiang Yi listened to Jun Ci. Now Jun Ci has come to Jun Zhiyi's dinner, the invitation is accepted, and Jun Ci is ready to go home.

There are at least a few dogs guarding her at home, which are warmer than those from such a home.

At night, there is almost no warmth in the brightly lit luxury villa area like Jun's house.

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