The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1123: The ability to carry the box office

Jun Ci really didn't intend to take this Mingyan, which didn't know where it came from, to his heart. Only Gulu and Yao Maomao all secretly checked the Mingyan's information.

During the period of Junci in the company, the news about Hongmeng community on the Internet has been fermenting.

The first day of Hongmeng World’s premiere today, because of the topic of interstellar dream city, fermented ferociously on the Internet.

The two major movies originally predicted by all parties caused a blowout period at the box office in the afternoon, and the Hongmeng world even began to break through 350 million. The interstellar increase was not as good as the Hongmeng world, but it also had 250 million.

Changing to the usual schedule, it can be said that there is no opponent.

However, the crazy box office of the two films was naturally obtained in exchange for the shows of the same period movie.

It was a tragic indescribable rush to be released at the same time as these two films.

Compared with the past, the Chinese film industry has experienced a blowout period and increased its box office capacity, but the market has not expanded much as a result. The main reason is that a truly phenomenal film cannot emerge and the real strength of the film box office can not burst.

Everyone is saying that the big movie box office cake has not been fully developed at all.

At that time, Junci's first record of life and death in immortals had already reached a peak.

But now, Hongmeng Realm is obviously here to break this peak!

Countless filmmakers and audiences stared at the growing horror box office.

If the city of interstellar dreams broke out with the blessing of the previous two parts, then the emperor of the Hongmeng world, has the ability to carry the movie box office so amazing?

[Today I showed the movie trailer to my fifty-year-old father, who actually wanted to go to the cinema to watch this movie, and said he wanted to see the dragon...]

[Many people in Hongmeng’s live movie brought their family to watch, saying that it was to support the essence of traditional Chinese culture. I was stunned. What is the essence of traditional culture of Hongmeng? 】

[Hongmeng Jie is probably the true display of an ancient mysterious Chinese country in the minds of many people. Even if it is fake, it shows the world in the myths and legends of our ancestors, which can be said to be the origin of our Chinese culture. , So many elderly people around have expressed that they want to watch this film]

[People with heart disease and high blood pressure really don’t watch this movie, the special effects are so good, every animal will explode when the scalp tingles and the heart tingles...]

[Hongmengjie box office broke out too horrible, next door Gaffney must be dumbfounded to say nothing...]

Huaguo Real-time Box Office V: At 4pm, Hongmengjie’s real-time box office has exceeded 360 million. The relevant person predicts that it will break 500 million today, breaking the world movie box office record on the first day. The city of interstellar fantasy is 250 million, and experts predict 350 million on the first day. , The current total box office of the market is 720 million

-R, the world's first day box office record, Hongmeng Jie is going to heaven...

-500 million on the first day, I was stunned by the explosive power of China’s box office

-The emperor, the director, came out to surprise others. The first film broke the Asian record, and the third film is going to break the world record?

-Suddenly feel so proud that Hua Guo can carry the box office almost...

-The gross box office in a single day is 720 million, which is equivalent to all the box office in Hongmeng and the city of interstellar dreams, and it hurts the other five movies in the same period

-It seems that Gafoni can't even fight anymore. The advantage of the theme of the Emperor is simply incomprehensible. When it is photographed, it is a miracle... For this miracle, it is worth giving no matter how high the box office is.

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