The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1238: You are skinny and unhealthy

Jun Ci came out with Dai Tanin, her car was parked outside.

She opened the door of the co-pilot to Dai Tanin, and her voice was calm and indifferent: "Take your seat belt yourself."

Dai Tanin did as she asked, her eyes were red, and she was a little moved. After getting in the car, she fastened her seat belt and looked at the young man who sat in the main driver: "Thank you! Thank you, director. ."

"a piece of cake."

Bringing tannins out of here was not a big deal for Jun Ci. She even found out the club boss behind her. The backing was Jing Fuxiao's father.

As long as she says hello, it's nothing for Jing Fuxiao to help her get the tannins out, but she didn't bother Jing Fuxiao, so she came by herself.

She downplayed it, but in Dai's heart, it was a great grace.

She wringed her fingers, lowered her head somewhat uneasily, and asked in a low voice: "Director, how did you know that I am here?"

"Stop asking."

These three words made Tanin Dai close her mouth, a little nervous.

When the boy started the car, Dai Tanning looked at the boy's profile timidly.

Under the dim light inside the car, that side face was perfect, and it was as if stepping on a layer of holy light, and the god-given face was confusing.

She has only seen some pictures of teenagers, and they have been shocked. She didn't expect to see real people now, which is even more shocking.

She never thought that such a god-like figure would have any intersection with herself.

She just auditioned to be more satisfactory to him, did she pass it?

Otherwise, why would the director come directly to save himself, Tanning can't figure it out?

She flushed and didn't want to think too much. She also knew that she was not qualified to think too much, but people would always have an unrealistic fantasy.

"If there is no suitable actor in the next few days, the heroine of my show will directly decide you."

The sudden sound of a sentence shocked Taninda: "Am...Me?"

She couldn't believe that this unexpected opportunity had really come to her.

Although it is said that there is no suitable actor appeared, but Tannin still can't control her joy.

What happened just now really scared me, but at the moment Junci appeared, all the dangers and anxiety seemed to be forgotten. This young man gave himself enough sense of security.

"But... But the director, I have something to tell you."

Although she didn't want to lose such an opportunity, she mustered up the courage to still feel that she should tell the director and let her know.

"I have a dad, he is idle..."

She began to tell her story. She didn't mention one important point, and she glanced at Junci with some worry, but she didn't see any fluctuations on the boy's face.

On the one hand, when recalling those sad things, Tannin also feels particularly painful inside.

It is not a simple matter to cut one's own misery and put it in front of others.

She controlled her emotions and told her story completely. The meaning was obvious. She didn't want to cause any trouble to the future crew. She knew that her father was a troublesome figure.

"It's ok."

The teenager's voice was faint: "Don't worry about your safety. If the audition will be confirmed, I will introduce you to someone at that time."


Tanning was stunned, she was a little at a loss to face Jun Ci, and felt that her affairs seemed to be under the control of a teenager.

"Do you have money?"

Jun Ci's sudden sentence made Taninda feel a little embarrassed: "There are hundreds more..."

She is really poor. She usually saves money and saves money for tuition. She dare not say more money because she still has a father who is like Zhou.

Jun Ci drove the car to her school and said directly: "I transferred 10,000 yuan to your card. Don’t feel unacceptable. If you make money in the future, pay me back. Take the money to eat well these days. Take care of yourself. By my heroine standards, you are unhealthy and skinny."

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