The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1246: Is playing basketball and playing people different?

Having eaten at noon, it is customary that Junci has withstood the praise of parents.

Yuan Chenyan simply blows Junci hard, making everyone look at Junci like the envious and sighing eyes of children from other people's houses.

Especially, Junci is also very good-looking.

The well-behaved Sura also received the love of the elders, and the piano was fed some dog food bought by the Yuan family.

After eating, waiting for the students in Longfu to leave first, Yuan Chenyan took Jun Cihao Sula away alone.

"The school girl can't come over at noon, but we can go and find her in the afternoon. I invite you to sing tonight."

Yuan Chenyan drank some wine at noon, and now he was a little bit excited.

Jun Ci did not drink, so she drove to pick up Baidu Yuan.

But while in the car, Junci noticed that Sula's eyes had changed.

There was no sign of her change in personality, but Jun Ci still saw it in an instant, and the second personality Sura came out.

After changing his gentle and gentle look, when the second personality came out, facing the rearview mirror, in the range of Junci's line of sight, an extremely strong smile was outlined.

Jun Ci retracted her eyes, and then ignored her.

"Hey, Sula school girl..."

Yuan Chenyan just wanted to talk to Sula, and turned his head to find that something was wrong with this person.

Suddenly, when he reacted, he was scared to pee.

My Cao, why is there no reaction from this second personality?

Sura ignored them and made a call to Bai Duyuan.

On the phone, Bai Duyuan seemed to be entangled in something, Sura looked unhappy: "We're here to find you, and we are gone."

Jun Ci drove the car to the place where Bai Duyuan was. It was already an hour later.

Bai Duyuan knew that they were coming to pick her up, but she was not in a hurry, playing basketball in a basketball court downstairs.

She likes sports very much, so she usually involves playing basketball and football.

But when Bai Duyuan was about to leave, several boys next to him stopped her from leaving. Jun Ci and Yuan Chenyan hadn't acted yet. Sula stepped up first, and said, "Go!"

Bai Duyuan could see at a glance that Sura in front of her was a second personality, and she was a little nervous: "No, they said that they didn't win this game and can't go..."

Sura lowered her head: "Win?"

When several boys saw Sula so beautiful, their eyes lit up, and they laughed and said, "Beauty, yes, if Yuanyuan can't beat us, we can't go."

"Win you? Then I can go."

Bai Duyuan hadn't reacted yet, and when Yuan Chenyan was a little confused, Sura had walked in directly.

She was still wearing a lady's dress, but she hit the boy with a punch when she went up.

Bai Duyuan was stunned.

Yuan Chenyan stayed.


Feeling his chin for a while thinking.

Piano, little spy: I’m Cao, my little sister is a tiger!

Sura beats five and divides two, and she leveled all four or five boys in a scream. She has a lot of normal skills, but she can see that she is definitely a practicing family. No wonder she can bully her master Gesu. The girl pulled into the hospital.

In a scream, Sura pulled Bai Duyuan's wrist and left without saying: "I won, you can go."

Bai Duyuan trembled and grieved: "But...but we are playing basketball!"

Sura was impatient: "You didn't say that playing basketball is not the same?"

Everyone: "..."

The difference is too big! ! !

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