The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1248: Cooperation

Jun Ci slightly passed the meaning of Sura's words just now.

‘You all think I’m a second personality, right? ’

"His Royal Highness, is the current Sura the real Sura, and the Sura we think is her second personality?"

Gulu replaced Junci and analyzed what Sura meant just now, which was what Junci thought.


Jun Ci looked at Sura with profound eyes. If this is the case, then this matter is much more interesting.

Is the real Sula the person in front of him?

So why is there such a cowardly second personality?

"School grass, the chicken wings are grilled, come and eat!"

Yuan Chenyan happily called Shang Junci to go over, ready to show his achievements.

Jun Ci walked over, took the grilled wings he handed over, and took a bite: "It's a bit burnt..."

She had never wanted to wrong herself, and she didn't want to eat after taking a bite and feeling that it was not right.

Yuan Chenyan was not angry either, and suddenly said: "The fire is too big, I'll grill another skewer for you!"

Just when the piano rushed over there, Junci took advantage of the opportunity to prepare the grilled wings for the piano, just not to waste.

The piano sniffed the piano with a dog's nose. It was originally intended to be eaten, but saw the imprint of Junci's bite on it, and then a hind leg: "Ohhhhhhhhh!"

Let Lao Tzu eat what you have eaten, no way! Do you think I am such an unscrupulous dog!

Jun Ci sneered: "Don't eat it."

Then he threw the grilled wings away.

The little spy condemned: "Waste!"

Piano: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Who knows that Chinese dishes are hard to eat!

Recently I am learning to recognize characters, and I have begun to memorize ancient poems, and now I know how to use it flexibly.


The little spy’s utterance attracted the attention of Yuan Chenyan and the others: "Hey, school grass, what kind of robot are you? Can you talk?"

"Nonsense, intelligent."

Jun Ci didn't conceal too much, so Bai Duyuan and Sura both looked over at the moment.

Bai Duyuan was a little excited: "Is it as smart as the game you made? It looks so smart."

The little spy akimbo triumphantly.

See if you don’t see it, there is finally someone who knows the hero!

"Is it the smart robot from the US? I heard that the smart doll was released in the US last year. It is very high-end, but it hasn't been sold in China yet. I really want to buy one."

Yuan Chenyan looked at the little spy with an expression of envy.

Suddenly, I thought it was not so ugly.

The little spy still bears grudges. Seeing Yuan Chenyan's envious and obsessive gaze, he feels very awkward and hatefully turned away.

Sura's eyes were also a little stiff, she didn't recognize such things, but obviously, she couldn't keep up with many things now, and she didn't know that the times were developing so fast.

Hearing Yuan Chenyan's smart doll, she turned her head and asked, "What is a smart doll?"

Yuan Chenyan was taken aback, and immediately thought of this second personality, and explained to her: "It's a new type of robot, developed by a company in the United States. It has been listed. It is very smart and very intelligent. Unfortunately, it is now in China. I couldn't buy it. I originally wanted to buy one from abroad to bring it back, but I thought that there would be a better one, so I didn't rush to ask for it."

Jun Ci pursed the corners of his lips. It would indeed be better, but he has no plans to develop it yet.

The reason why it has not been sold in China is because of some delays in the documents. Huaguo's meaning seems to be that it wants to let a group of Sri Lanka cooperate to promote the country.

Junci has never expressed his attitude, and Leo dare not call the shots without authorization.

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