The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 126: This world is too fantasy (reward plus more)

"Manager Zhen, the Mr. Jun who wants to cooperate with our company's drama department is here, and he is in the reception room now."

Hearing the secretary's report, Zhen Liangguo raised his head from a pile of documents, pushed his glasses, and nodded: "Okay, I see, I will go now."

After that, Zhen Liangguo closed the document he was reading and walked to the reception room with his leg raised.

Zhen Liangguo is over fifty-five years old, but he is tall and a little gentle.

When the long-term department manager is present, he has a natural atmosphere of no anger and prestige, which makes people feel that this person must be a business executive type.

However, when he arrived at the reception room, Zhen Liangguo was slightly startled.

The teenager is sitting on the sofa with a mobile phone in his hand, with one leg on the other.

Obviously, she has made such random movements a somewhat elegant taste, although the mask she wears is a little more hip-hop.

But it doesn't affect the overall feeling of this teenager.

A kind of inexplicable strength and aura of high position.

Even more amazing than his supervisor.

Zhen Liangguo immediately treated the young man in front of him with some seriousness.

After seeing Zhen Liangguo coming in, Junci also stood up and held out his hand politely: "Mr. Zhen, hello, this is Junci. I previously contacted your company through the Internet to discuss cooperation with the crew."

"I know this, hello, hello."

After Zhen Liangguo stretched out his hand and shook Junci, he invited Junci to sit down: "I know that Mr. Jun has talked with the drama department on the Internet before, but I know that Mr. Jun’s shooting time is only two months. Don’t have much time?"

This is about when Junci is about to start school, but he still doesn't know Junci is a director and still a student.

Jun Ci nodded: "Yes, but it doesn't mean that no cooperation is needed in the later period."

Zhen Liangguo also nodded and said: "If this is the case, then I will let my secretary bring in the model contract. Let's discuss the terms of the contract and ask another presumptuous question. The team that Mr. Jun needs is the producer Identity, or?"

Not to mention that Zhen Liangguo can't see it, it is impossible for other people to think that Jun Ci is the director of this crew.

Jun Ci didn't hide it either, and straightforwardly pointed out: "I am the director."


Zhen Liangguo was very surprised.

Because Jun Ci looks like a student boy from the outside, that kind of aura might make people think that she is a child from an unusual family.

But the director really didn't think of it.

However, Zhen Liangguo has been in this industry for so many years, and he has seen a lot of weird things.

His duty is to be responsible for signing the contract, and he didn't ask much about it.

The only thing that made him emotionally fluctuated was probably because the production contract needed to confirm his identity information. When he saw Jun Ci taking off his mask, I had to say that even the well-informed Zhen Liangguo was very surprised.

The female secretary next to her was even more stunned.

The perfect face of the teenager is dreamlike, and it seems that every time someone sees it, such an expression is standard.

Jun Ci is used to it, the lethality of this face is indeed greater than when she was in the interstellar.

The female secretary's scream was stuck in her throat, and she didn't dare to scream.

Instead, be a little-known director?

This world is simply fantastic!

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