The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1269: Coulee Tower

The next day, Jun Ci told Jun Chengbai, and then left the island.

On the plane, Junci carefully looked at the route map.

There are several African countries around the Tabri border. The Grand Canyon in the middle happens to be a vacant site, and no country recognizes this place.

There are drug dealers and many lawbreakers in this area, and there are still years of war. If you want to go, you must avoid some people.

It may be where a bomb will fly around.

Junci asked Gulu to contact a local guide with some identity. Anyway, it was the kind of money to do business. Contact the other party, and then meet in the capital of an African country.

As for the legend about the God of Gulita, Gulu searched the online database, and there were several related travel notes, all of which are similar to Jack’s description, and even mentioned the legendary Gulita and the Grand Canyon. s things.

However, because it was too cold inside, these people didn't dare to go down. They didn't even see the things inside, just listened to the local guide.

There is no details that Jack knows, and he hasn't even seen the symbols.

But they thought this was an ordinary legend, and didn't take it seriously, but vaguely mentioned that when the night of the full moon comes, there will be a strange light in the canyon. They think that there is some kind of firefly under it.

How could there be fireflies in a cold place?

Think about it and know the impossible.

Jun Ci was uncomfortable with this speculation, but for her, she was rather grateful. The fewer people who knew the news, the better.

The plane flew all day and night before reaching the capital of a country, where Junci met the local guide.

Unexpectedly, it was an African woman who was relatively short and had a sturdy figure. Jun Ci directly paid her $1,000 in one lump sum to let her lead the way.

Because of her generous shot, Ji Ya was very happy with her and said everything she asked.

This guide is called Ji Ya, a local from here, and her mother was born in the Gulita tribe, but she came out when she was young. She knew this place, but she didn't know much about Gulita.

"Guli Tower?"

Ji Ya speaks fluent English and can communicate fluently with others.

They were sitting on a chariot heading to the border. This was a result of Jiya's relationship, which was actually a business chain.

Although the Tabri border is chaotic, there are always all kinds of bold people who want to get in here. One is because of the lawless elements, the other is because the chaos here can make people fish in troubled waters, and the other is purely bold and not afraid of death. Of travelers who want to meet.

Ji Ya has seen several kinds of people, served so many people here, and the relationship network is not low.

But for this young man from the mysterious country of the East, Jiya felt very impressed.

From the moment she got in the car, she was not very talkative. She wore the plain clothes of the locals suggested by Jiya. Despite this, she was still an extravagance. She also wore a mask on her face and her whole body was wrapped tightly, with only one pair of eyes. , Seeing people calmly, as clear as a lake, more like a bright moon, making people fall into it and reluctant to extricate themselves.

The reason why Jiya is curious is not just this. The Gulita tribe is rarely mentioned, but occasionally people will go in and have a look. Most people just go in and see the tribe, but when asked about Gulita, this The teenager is still the first.

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