The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1271: Ask the patriarch to agree

The light looked very dim, passed it faintly, and there was no other reaction.

But in such a dark environment, it seems particularly abrupt.

But, it can't hide the strange beauty.

Even Jiya didn't see many such images. She sighed and took out her camera to take pictures frantically.

Jun Ci did not respond to this. She was a little curious, but she saw the young man staying there, seeming to be thinking about something. She thought that the young man was shocked by the beauty, and did not call her aloud.


Gulu’s tone is a bit rare and serious: "Your Majesty, the signal source has existed for at least 500 years. The information transmitted is no longer complete because of the weak energy. Unless you know what the signal source is, the only thing that can be understood is it. Calling for help!"!

Such information blunt Jun Ci.

Her contemporaries are calling for help.

"The last star is the last star!"

Almost immediately, Junci concluded.

The symbols drawn by Jack and the source of this signal are sufficient proof.

The last star is also equipped with artificial intelligence, because it facilitates communication with humans.

The light brain on the battleship is actually the end star itself.

Although the bond with the last star was not as deep as Guru, but knowing that he was asking for help, Jun Ci still couldn't be too calm.

Her eyes trembled, and she pinched herself hard to calm herself down, and then took a deep breath and said, "Jiya, I want to go in now."

"just now?"

Ji Ya was a little dumbfounded and hurriedly discouraged: "It's very unsafe here at night. We dare not decide what we will encounter. Although I have a gun, there are not many bullets."

In such a huge tropical rainforest, even Jiya, who has rich experience, is reluctant to go there.

"Ten thousand dollars, if you refuse, you can stay here and I will go in by myself."

After knowing that the signal source was for help, Junci couldn't wait for almost a minute.

Gulu will release special sound waves to attack animals in the dark, forcing them to dare not approach, so it is unlikely that they will encounter any danger, but Jiya doesn't know, and Junci just needs her to lead the way.

Jiya heard ten thousand dollars, and her expression became a little stiff in an instant.

She was silent for a moment, and finally gritted her teeth and agreed: "Okay!"

Ten thousand dollars is too much.

Giya has spent a whole year carefree, and she has almost done dozens of such orders to get paid 10,000 US dollars.

There are really few people like Junci who are so generous.

On the one hand, because of the juvenile's bright eyes, she didn't want to see any dim moments in these eyes, so she took a gamble.

Because they had to hurry, the tent was a burden, and the two of them didn't even want a tent.

Ji Ya took Jun Ci to move on.

The light that came from the depths of the gorge became brighter and brighter as it went forward, as if it were guiding the two of them.

This piece of wood is too big to walk all night without eating or drinking. It was also at noon before I reached the Gulita tribe.

Ji Ya was already tired. Looking at the teenager, she was surprised to find that she didn't seem to be exhausted, but she frowned when she saw a few tribal thatched houses in the open area in the distance.

"I want to go straight to the depths of the canyon."

Ji Ya was a little embarrassed: "Someone is guarding there. If we don't get the permission of the tribal chief, we can't go there, at least we have to see the chief."

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