The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1273: Is it the last star?

How could Junci be the God of Coulee Tower?

However, the group of people in front of them seemed to be convinced, and only the leader shouted, they all knelt down with confidence.

When such a group of people bowed to him, Jun Ci felt a little bored in his heart.

Ji Ya is still standing on the spot, a little at a loss, neither standing nor kneeling. Strictly speaking, she is also a member of the Gulita clan. The clansmen kneel, don't you kneel yourself?

The boy spoke at the right time: "Let them get up and explain clearly."

Even though he was shocked just now, Jun Ci quickly calmed down.

Ji Ya immediately acted as an interpreter, and with Junci's permission, the entire tribe stood up again.

Especially the old leader, almost looking at Junci with a rather crazy look, Ji Li Gulu is a long list.

"His Royal Highness, he said that you are the God of Gulita. He went down to the cave and saw the image of the God of Gulita. He said that it is exactly the same as you. Gulu thinks that you are not exactly the same. Maybe you were in the interstellar age. The image was transformed by the last star."

Gulu believed a little, the last star in the canyon was.

Otherwise, there is no such a coincidence, the signal source for help from the same era will appear here, and this group of people will think that Junci is the **** of labor, Gu Lita.

Isn't this funny?

Unless, the end star shows the image of Junci.

Although the appearance and appearance of Junci in the interstellar era are different from now, the human temperament and other styles cannot be changed. The image of His Royal Highness back then is not different from now, especially in terms of eyes, the look of Junci is exactly the same as before. of.

Perhaps this leader was just a glimpse and was impressed, and now that Junci suddenly appeared and his temperament matched, he took it for granted that Junci was the Couli Tower.

Of course, this is all Gulu's conjecture, if the following is not the last star, then this thing is not true.

But if it is not true, how do you explain the fact that the patriarch recognized Junci as the Gulita?

And in the entire tribe, only this patriarch had seen Gulita when he was young.

Such a long time...

And Gulu analyzed that the decay time of the signal source also began decades ago.

What Gulu said made Jun Ci feel a little bit contemplative.

Now she really wanted to see what was under the canyon more and more.

She denied her identity, but said that the Gulli Tower in the depths of the canyon might have a connection with herself, so she hoped that someone would lead the way and let herself go and take a look.

The patriarch was convinced, and immediately sent the young man just now to take Jun Ci to the canyon.

A bit far away from the tribe, Ji Ya was surprised: "I have been here several times, and I have never seen the patriarch recognize others as Gulita."

She also hesitated a little. This young man was also very strange. She was asking about Gulita. She didn't dare to be interested in the local customs. It seemed that she came for this, but there are hundreds of things under the canyon. It's been years and no one has come to look for it. What is this young man in front of?

Ji Ya had these questions hidden in her heart, but she did not dare to ask them casually.

The canyon is not far from the tribe. Soon, Junci and the others came to the Grand Canyon.

After the night of the full moon last night passed, Gulu could no longer feel the signal source.

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