The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1276: This is the last star!

"His Royal Highness, the last star... the last star did not respond."

Guru trembled a little.

Even though it exhausted various methods, including emitting any signal source, it did not sense any response from the end star.

This is a rigid battleship that is, completely devoid of intelligence, and it can no longer be restarted at all.

The energy in the cabin was almost completely exhausted, and the only point was hidden on the surface of the cabin.

Gulu already understands that the last star uses the last energy to send out the distress signal. Whenever the night of the full moon comes, moonlight penetrates through the only gap and shines on the symbols on the surface of the last star capsule, before it emits light. , This has almost become an automatic program.

As for why the sun is not used, Gulu cannot find out for the time being.

When Jun Ci listened, his fingers trembled.

She patrolled half of the cabin and found that almost everything was covered with dust. The glorious and profound past in her memory seemed to have become the most distant past.

Entering the cabin, she seemed to still remember the days when she used to be high, but now, everything has become empty talk.

"No, Your Highness... Gulu tracked down a special signal!"

Gollum has made a new discovery. It quickly analyzed the remaining piece of information it had just captured, "This should be the energy source before the end star disappears. If it has energy, it shouldn’t only be able to send out a distress signal, it must It was done with energy sources that cost a lot of money. This message is a guide, Your Highness, in the middle of the cabin, the freezer."

Jun Ci was taken aback, followed Gulu's guidance and found the former freezer.

The place was completely deserted now, the command could not be opened, but the too hard shell appeared loose, Junci pulled a little harder, and something popped out of it.

That is a huge freezer.

However, the contents inside made Junci suffer a huge psychological impact for the first time.

Inside, is a skeleton that has been completely corrupted.

The fragments of the clothes she was wearing made Jun Ci stunned.

Gulu quickly scanned, but realized a shocking truth: "Your Highness, this...this is your previous body..."

She used to be in the interstellar body.

The outer shell of the skeleton did not make Junci feel scared. She stretched out her hand tremblingly and touched the skull of the skeleton...

"The last star launches the source of help to make people come to save you... The freezer can freeze all the vital signs of a person, but if that person's life is dying, huge energy is needed to support her life to save her life. The star... is to use all the energy to maintain His Royal Highness's life. The skeleton's corruption time was decades ago, but when it was frozen, it has been 500 years..."

Therefore, the last star persisted for hundreds of years in order to be able to have someone to save His Highness.

However, decades ago, the absorption speed of the earth's energy was far from the speed used by the end star, so it could no longer maintain.

To know that a powerful optical brain, even a Guru, must be supported by energy. The moment the energy is cut off, the optical brain disappears, which is equivalent to death.

Guru had some abnormal changes, which remained in Junci's mind. When Guru came out of the matter, energy was consumed, not energy was cut off.

When the analysis of the remaining information was completely successful, Gulu found that there was a sentence left in it.

In the air, there was only a mechanized sound, as if it was just executing a program, but it still seemed to make people hear the helplessness inside:

"I'm sorry, my lord, the last star, I did my best."

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