The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1295: You have changed, you used to be reluctant to move a paw of my dog

It is not what Junci wants to see the end star being robbed like a cargo.

But she wanted to do something, but she couldn't help it.

Let Moxing stay alone in that abyss, it is not what Junci wants to see.

Furthermore, the end star is not a cargo.

It is a battleship of the future, and these researchers will treat it as a very important piece of information. It is a state secret and there will be no problem.

The important thing is that you can see the end star at any time.

She had asked Shu Jie, if she wanted to go there, it would be enough to pretend to be an identity and let Shu Jie lead in.

Now the end star will be transported back to China, and its resettlement base country must be built first, so Junci is not in a hurry.

The end star has been completely locked in the system, and even Guru cannot activate its energy. She is not an expert in this area. She knows how to use the end star, and will not create the end star. Every earth researcher has the ability, said Let them play some tricks, and unexpected things will happen.

"His Royal Highness, the technology of the earth is at least thousands of years behind us. Why do you think the people on earth can revive the last star?"

Of course, the recovery here does not refer to the end star's optical brain. The optical brain has died out. Even if Guru recreates the same program, it is no longer the original end star.

The end star is the battleship itself. To revive the end star means to restart the battleship.

It is equivalent to that it is just a machine that can be manually controlled by humans, not an intelligent battleship.

"Guru, there are people outside the world, there are heaven outside the sky."

Junci is just such a faint sentence, "Our interstellar technology is high-strength, but there are also many technologies that have died out in the course of history. People on Earth may not have other ways. I just try my best. If They have made no progress in their research and may only choose to dismantle the system."

The battleship is the main body. The dismantling system that Junci said is to separate the battleship and thoroughly check the parts one by one. At that time, it may not be possible to restore the end star. This is a last resort. If it is determined that the end star cannot be repaired, Junci Maybe it can only be done.


At this point, even Gulu sighed.

It has pictures of previous memories, and it can also think of the spirited scene of Junci traveling the universe on the last star at that time.

Now, everything is just like what His Highness said, dying in the long river of history.


Shoveling shit, you are upset again. If you have something upset, tell me to be happy and happy.

Junci didn't close the door, the piano slipped in, and saw Junci's expression indifferent, but there was always a kind of sorrow that couldn't be opened, and he wailed.

Gulu translated the meaning to Jun Ci. After listening, Jun Ci picked up the little thing placed in front of the bedside table and threw it towards the piano.

"Get out!"

The dog's reaction speed is still extremely fast. The piano flashes fast. He was not thrown by Junci. When he saw Junci throwing something to himself, he was furious, and shouted at Junci: "Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Ouch!"

You changed, you hit me with something! You used to be reluctant to move a dog paw.


It's called anger and depravity. Of course, people who don't understand don't know the meaning of the piano, thinking it is just screaming.

That's what Li Ma thinks.

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