The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1299: Beauty treatment

I saw Junci who had already taken a taxi and left. After all, she is now a women's clothing, and it is impossible to drive the car she usually drives, so she has to take a taxi and leave.

The piano grinned, and if it hadn't remembered that he was a dog, he would have grinned.


Little spy, you are done, and you will be killed when the shovel comes back.

The little spy is very calm: "Don't be afraid, my love ju, when I go to the base to avoid the limelight, you will be different. Then she can't beat me, and she won't be able to cast your anger on you!"

"Ohhhhhhhhh!" The one who went to Nima, rolled off Laozi!

Then the piano ran away, and the security guard was dumbfounded with a compulsive habit.

Now this pair of strange combinations in the community is already the norm.

Unless the people in the community are all celebrities with identities, they can't help but want to call the anecdote hotline and let people from these column groups come to the community for interviews.

Since the last time the piano saved people, it has long been famous in the community.

Although there is no video, it was unforgettable for many people at the time. Now it is no surprise that it is often carried out with a robot for a walk.

More importantly, the robot is not as clever as it is, and it can talk to people normally.

But fortunately, Silori’s products have already come out. Although China can’t buy them now, many people ask people to purchase them from abroad. Smart dolls are not uncommon.

In addition, everyone knows that this robot belongs to the emperor.

Otherwise, the piano and the little spy would have been taken to the research base for a hundred times.

How can they be arrogant outside!


What are the benefits of being beautiful?

The answer is of course many benefits.

When you are beautiful, you will really experience two completely different lives from those who are ugly.

This is not delusion, this is reality.

When Junci was wearing men's clothes, she was a **** worshipped by thousands of girls. She was changed into women's clothes. Although she was disguised, she was still as beautiful as a fairy.

There is a fascinating charm all over the body, and the noble and cold temperament from the inside out attracts everyone's attention.

Since getting on the taxi, the driver peeked at her no less than ten times in the rearview mirror.

After arriving at the airport, the driver even smiled and said, "Beauty, I am lucky to be able to carry you. People like you rarely take taxis, right? The fare is waived."

What the driver said was normal, it was really because Junci was beautiful and the fare was waived.

The price from Junci to the airport is at least a few hundred yuan. If you say it is free, you can see the charm of Junci.

Everyone has a love for beauty. The driver's words are not of a nasty nature. Although Junci didn't respond much after hearing this, he didn't take it seriously, but he took out the money from his wallet and put down three hundred yuan. .

Although there is a mobile phone, Junci usually carries some cash with him.

"It's not easy to go out."

She put down the money and got out of the car. The driver looked at the hundred-yuan bill she put down and the back of her leaving, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

Then there was a sigh.

It is an honor for such a beautiful person to be able to ride in his own car, and he is so kind.

People shouldn’t have unrealistic fantasies in middle age, but the driver still regards this beauty as his own dream and keeps it in mind for a long time.

Until later, Junci disclosed the identity of women's clothing...

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