But Brother Gou still found the opportunity to take a sneak shot.

That's when they boarded the plane and found a gap. Brother Dog quietly took out his mobile phone and pretended to be wearing headphones to make a phone call and took a profile photo of Junci.

Jun Ci actually knew, but she pretended not to know.

In the first-class cabin, she and the dog brother were in tandem.

Brother Gou saw such a stunning beauty sitting in front of him, and his heart jumped with excitement.

He quickly sent the photos to Shi Nan.

Dog's Tail Grass: Look! 【image】

Shi Nan: Damn it, really, so beautiful! Come on, brother, need a phone number, not a lifetime regret!

Dog's tail grass: It's easy to say, come on if you have the ability!

Brother Gou was still persuaded.

How dare he ask a beauty of this level for a phone number.

However, when I saw it today, Brother Gou felt that the beauties he had seen before were the real wild flowers on the roadside. Look at this one...

Looking at the photos he took secretly, Brother Dog felt that he was going to be completely intoxicated in it.

How could there be such a beauty in the world?

The more you think about it, the more addicted the dog is!

Ah, this is the standard model of his dream lover!

So this girl who had only met once became a beautiful dream in Gou Ge's heart. Until the day that Jun Ci revealed her identity as a woman, Gou almost wanted to hang herself.

Junci knew that Brother Dog was sitting behind him and took pictures of herself, but he didn't know what was going on in Brother Dog's mind. Everything was easy to say as long as he didn't reveal his identity.

So we arrived at the original city.

The original city is located on the edge of the grassland, and there is a vast prairie territory outside the city, where many nomads live.

Because of the magnificent and magnificent scenery, many people travel here every year.

The main scene of the film crew of "Da Qi Huang" was taken here.

It is also being filmed now.

Of course, Junci knows the specific location.

After Bo Endong got the investment again and started filming the show, he would always report some crew information to Junci, but he did not know that Junci would come to visit the class.

The filming of "The Emperor of Da Qi" is not hidden. Many people know where to shoot. Junci came here by car.

Now the crew has set up a scene on this grassland, and there are many tents around which are the residences of the crew.

Although the conditions are not very good, it is normal.

However, since Junci’s investment here, the living standards of the crew are still good, and they are full of energy when filming.

Junci mixed with a wave of tourists, came outside the safety line set up by the crew of "Da Qi Huang", and saw that a war scene was being filmed inside.

Hundreds of extras are wearing armor and riding on horses. Even in reality, such a scene gives people a great impact. Horses are not very expensive nearby, but the crew is responsible for so many and there are so many actors. The armor, that cost a lot of money.

Strive to achieve extremely real real war shooting.

But now it's just a general war scene.

Zu Yunbing was sitting behind a bunch of cameras leading this war scene with a serious expression.

Jun Ci originally planned to talk to the director Zu Yunbing about his experience in filming, but now he is a women's wear, so he put out such thoughts.


It seemed that there was a problem with the preparation of the group performance. Zu Yunbing yelled, and a bunch of staff began to get busy. After watching for a while, Junci had a good idea of ​​the shooting situation.

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