The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1308: Guide public opinion

Takega was kicked out of the crew.

He was still a little embarrassed, but this incident made him furious.

Being conspired by others, the emperor wants to replace him, it is enough to make Wuga act impulsively.

Isn't this emperor just a director, but investors are great?

When he comes to breathe his uncle, the play will not pass the trial.

And he wanted to see who would dare to take over his second place.

He also bought Hot Search, which is bound to make the matter bigger.

But unexpectedly, that night, this matter would be a big deal.




If there are still many people who eat melons who don't know what drama "Da Qi Huang" is, but the three consecutive hot search topics are so high that it is difficult not to pay attention.

Click in and find a video.

In the video, it is Wu He's scene against Qin Feiyan.

From the beginning, Wuhe really slapped Qin Feiyan with his hands for the first time, until the second time, the heavy and crisp applause could make any melon-eaters see that it was a real fight, and with great strength, Qin Feiyan was directly knocked to the ground. You can see how strong the strength is, and the rapidly swollen cheeks, which clearly allows people to see the red marks on the actress's face.

She had tears in her eyes, and the appearance of crying or not was even more worrying.

Takega's sophistry is still in the video, clearly audible.

The second angle of the video was the scene where Wu He rushed to pinch Qin Feiyan's neck.

A fierce expression that makes people scared.

From the angle, it looks like someone secretly photographed it.

This immediately made the people eating melons angry.

-It’s too much, even if it’s a real fight, it’s impossible to fight so hard.

-The first scene can be washed by filming, and the second scene directly choked people on the neck. This Takega is awesome.

-It's not an exaggeration to say that it's an animal. Why did the director see this happen?

-Oh my god, isn't the image that Takega portrayed as a mature man? It's so disgusting!

-It's the moment when you hit the woman, it's just a beast!

-The front can be washed, but the last half of the wash is all idiots!

At this time, the Daqihuang crew was stunned.

The crew of this video was panicked at the time. How could someone shoot such a clear video?

Moreover, as if deliberately, the unrelated person only appeared from the back. The faces of Wuhe and Qin Feiyan were clear, and the faces of several female stars watching the show were also very blurred, but they were carefully distinguished. , Can pick up their identities.

However, shouldn't anyone have the opportunity to shoot this video?

Just when they didn't expect it at all, this matter became a hot search?

Bo Endong also panicked.

Now, there are angry people who have scolded the entire crew.

Bo Endong rushed to the crew overnight to discuss the countermeasures for this matter with Zu Yunbing and how to deal with the public relations of this matter.

They began to think that Qin Feiyan was holding this incident, but they quickly denied it.

Qin Feiyan is just a student, and the brokerage company is a small company, it is impossible to have such a strong public opinion orientation.

Many big Vs made their voices, and it looked like other crews were targeting "The Emperor of Da Qi".

But soon, Bo Endong received a call from the emperor: "Don’t look for it, I let the hot search explode. Prepare your public relations wording, change the main reason for Wuga, and let other people through the background of Wuga. Send out Weibo and take you off."

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