The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 131: Just because I am the emperor (please leave a comment)

Shi Nan: You took the emperor's rhythm on the Hurricane Forum, a bit too much.

When Death Firefly saw such a message from his mobile phone, he sneered disdainfully.

Death Firefly: What rhythm did I bring, Shi Nan, don't talk nonsense, I just told the truth.

Shi Nan: The emperor did not rely on marketing. You are a great **** at any rate. Can't you tell how his writing is?

Shi Nan cracked the keyboard in the office, and several editors around him looked at him.

Even the heather who has always been honest can be so angry, it is conceivable that the person on the opposite side should be too much.

And everyone knows who it is.

Brother Gou sits on his chin with his hands on his chin, his expression is also a little heavy.

He originally wanted to find the emperor, but knew that the emperor had just finished the college entrance examination and knew the results, maybe he was busy with university affairs, so he didn't bother him.

If this matter does not cause trouble, it is best not to let him know.

Brother Gou felt that as an editor, he must help the emperor handle it well.

Otherwise, according to the character of the emperor, Brother Gou thinks that if he knows, something big will happen.

However, he was also a little angry.

Obviously the anti-theft software was developed by the emperor, and the authors are all beneficiaries. Can they still slander people behind their backs?

Especially this death firefly!

I don't know what I'm thinking in my mind. If he offends the emperor, he will be happy?

If there is a real disturbance, Luodu Literature Net is definitely the Emperor Bao, and will definitely not protect him.

Death Firefly: Oh Yo, that's really forgiving of my eyesight.

Death Firefly knew that he was already fighting for his breath. Is the emperor's writing good? After all, he has been writing books for so many years, is he really unable to tell?

But because of the previous dispute with the emperor, he had been blinded by anger and was irrational.

Shi Nan: The emperor joined you on the big push this time. His daily sales exceeded 300,000 yuan. You haven't even passed 200,000 yuan. Why didn't you find your own reason?

Death Firefly: Who made me not 100% anti-theft? I don't want to tell you more, you are not qualified to tell me this.

When Shi Nan saw these words, for a moment he felt like he wanted to explode in place.

What they didn't know was that the Hurricane Forum was now bombed again.

[Laughing so hard, the anti-theft process of works under the name of several authors who scolded the emperor has been removed! 】

Baili Xiashan (host): I just searched for a while I was bored, and I saw such a big show. The latest VIP chapter pirated software is updated synchronously, which is simply delightful!

Go Pippi Shrimp! (2nd floor): Hahahahaha, the host, you are too shameless, how can you be so fast?

Fengchuandandanliang (3rd floor): I went to search and it was really true. The emperor's speed is horrible, right? Has he approved the website?

Gongsun Mingzhi (4th floor): Now it is clear that the emperor must be a software developer, or it has a huge relationship. Now things are very clear. I still scold others while enjoying the benefits of others.

Several authors are gloating for misfortune, but some authors who have been dropped in the process are beginning to worry.

Innocent (11th floor): Why does the emperor do this, and why does he do it? I discussed what happened behind my back, so stingy. And what qualifications does he have if he downloads the work? Has he approved it through the website?

Gulu moved very quickly. When he dropped the work, the author discovered it within a few minutes, and immediately schadenly posted a post, which made the matter worse.

Jun Ci was lying on the bed, and when she saw the people behind her speak either in support or condemning her from being dropped, she raised her eyebrows.

Yeah, why?

Jun Ci directly opened the vest and left a sentence under the post that was regarded as a classic by the author circles.

Emperor (99th floor): I am the emperor!

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