The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1316: Officially launched

"Ke Weiwei saw you, maybe he was suspicious?"

After Jun Ci went upstairs, Gulu reminded Jun Ci.

Jun Ci doesn't matter: "I saw it when I saw it. She would not be sure, at most she suspected that I was her girlfriend."

Thinking of this, Jun Ci couldn't help but hooked his lips.

This is a normal person's point of view, but I am my girlfriend, so there is no one at this point.

Although Jiang Yi has published his photos on his Weibo, he is not a public figure after all. After he is publicized, he will focus on his fans. The scope is not wide. Ke Weiwei does not know Eternal, so naturally he will not necessarily follow Eternal girlfriend. Who.

From a normal perspective, she must first suspect that she is Jun Ci's girlfriend.

Although the reason is not certain, Ke Weiwei should know it when he saw that he had gone up to this building.

She can never guess that she is Junci himself.

Even Gou didn't believe it, but Ke Weiwei wouldn't believe it anymore.

As soon as she opened the elevator and got home, there was a dog barking inside.

The piano and the little spy seemed to be arguing again. Seeing the elevator door opened, the little spy was a little surprised and pointed: "Look, piano, **** is back."

Piano: "Ohhhhhhhhhh!"

What shovel shit, this is her sister who shovel shit, didn't you say it?

The two joined forces and began to target Junci.

Jun Ci squinted at the dog-robot, still looking like a dog on the cello. Seeing the owner came back, he rushed over and twisted his **** at Jun Ci.

It seems very happy.

Jun Ci also rarely touched the head of the cello's dog, and this dog was the only one in the family that made Jun Ci save a little snack, although it had an unreliable father.

The little spy commented on the side: "Insult the country!"

Piano: "Ohhhhhhhhh!"

Unfilial son! Actually flattering to shovel shit!


The young man let out a cry and went to the room and changed his outfit.

After all, I often wear men's clothing, so I feel a lot lighter when I switch back to Junci, although I still have to wear the burden of corset.

But only the male outfit makes Junci feel more natural.

Soon after she changed her home clothes, she received a call from Yao Kitty: "Boss, Hongmeng World is officially online at 12 o'clock this evening. We are currently open for ID card registration. If you have time to experience the experience, we want Monitor game data in the company."

Junci knew that "Hongmeng World" was officially launched at 12 o'clock tonight. She originally planned to go to the company. After hearing this, she did not plan to go: "Okay, I will check the test situation at home, what's the matter? You guys call me."

"OK, but boss, aren't you going to school tomorrow? Will it take your time off if you rest too late."

"It's okay, my class in the afternoon is fine if I start late in the morning."

For Hongmeng online games, Junci still wants to look at the data, because the speed of making money is far from comparable to that of mobile games.

According to Gulu’s data, there are also a large number of players who live in the rivers and lakes. Knowing that Man’an is now opening the game "Hongmengjie", the account has been registered early and the client is ready. According to Gulu’s accurate data, just The number of players who have downloaded the client is now in the millions.

Several million is a huge number, because it is a good life in the rivers and lakes, and you are far from knowing how many people are willing to spend millions on this game.

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