The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 133: Dog brother found

Zhixiangyin handed his mobile phone to Meihuafan, and when she looked at the content of the post, she almost understood the ins and outs.

When I saw the sentence on the 99th floor, I immediately signed it.

Then he returned the phone to Zhixiangyin and smiled indifferently: "Such a person must be quite confident in reality. However, I have read his novel some time ago. The writing style, rhythm control, and style of writing are not the feeling that a newcomer can manage. , But for the sci-fi genre, I didn’t find the corresponding great god’s vest, and I haven’t heard of a great **** quit recently.

"Indeed!" Zhixiangyin also nodded: "I have read his book, and it is indeed very good, and Luodu Literature Network is willing to cultivate it. The key is that the video is the focus, so a large investment video for myself It’s definitely not something ordinary people can do. But what I’m most interested in is whether he made the anti-theft software. If it is really him, then I have to thank him.”

Zhixiangyin's book is one of the hot books on the Internet, which is equivalent to that one in ten people who have entered the fiction world may have read the Zhixiangyin book.

The huge number of readers turned into piracy even more serious.

Now that the anti-theft is generated, the original earning pours of Zhixiangyin, although the money for electronic subscriptions can no longer keep up with his copyright fees, after such a release, the subscription fee may have to be blown up. He said that the money is scarce enough for him.

So of course he thanked the emperor.

"It is definitely not an ordinary person who can make such anti-theft software."

Sad Painting Fan said meaningfully.

He has an ordinary face, but his expression is soothing, and there is a scroll atmosphere that makes people feel that there is ink in his stomach when he sees it.

"But last time, I heard the editor-in-chief of the terminal talk about it. When the contract for the purchase of anti-theft software was signed, some people speculated that the contract was signed by a very young boy. It was not certain whether it was the emperor, but it should be. "

As the super gods, they must be able to know some news that ordinary authors can't reach.

Zhixiangyin raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise: "Really? In this case, I have to add the emperor's QQ to get a good understanding, and say I am his fan."

After saying this, Zhixiangyin rubbed his palms with excitement.

Sad Painting Fan: "..."

He was very speechless and a little bit amused.

It is not embarrassing to pretend to be a super **** to add other new authors.


After dealing with the Internet, I saw that all the authors behind were frightened by her ‘hegemony’ and didn’t dare to talk bad about her anymore. Junci was finally satisfied.

Never say anything in front of her. Being a celebrity should be discussed.

Discussion is fine, but not in public or in front of her. Although she is an emperor, she likes to be a tyrant.

What if the Internet has become her one word?

She is happy!

She looks down on the kind of people who are incapable of fooling around.

It’s great to bring everyone face-to-face, isn’t it?

If you are not capable, just hold it back to me!

This is her creed of Junci.

Dog's tail grass: That emperor, you gave the anti-theft right of the dead firefly?

Suddenly such a message came on QQ, and Jun Ci looked at it, and suddenly the corners of his lips were drawn coldly.

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