The expedition video represents the past of Junci.

Although the current appearance is far from the past, based on the sense of smell of Shu Jie and the others, they know that the identity of Junci is somewhat special now. If you see this video, it is hard not to think of anything.

However, this is not important anymore.

The video, probably because some system on the last star was activated for a moment, so the vision that appeared, the real last star, has long ceased to exist.

She was a little surprised for a while, but suddenly, she wanted to see Jiang Yi again. After thinking about it, Jun Ci thought of an idea.

At this time, it was probably the abnormal changes in the base that disturbed many people. Shu Jie quickly called Junci: "Junci, during the process of dismantling just now, the technical staff made a mistake in the disassembly and caused the line to be misaligned. Something unexpected happened. It seemed to show us a video, but we didn’t know what it was.”

The boy pressed down his eyes and reflected a little obscure light from them, and his voice was a little muffled: "Tell me the specific process, or show me the video."

"Okay, it has been sent to your mobile phone. If anything happens, I have to trouble you to let us know."

About knowing that Junci wanted to watch the video, Shu Jie gave Junci time, and soon hung up the phone after speaking.

Jun Ci actually didn’t need to look at it. She knew what was going on, so after a few minutes, she replied to Shu Jie’s call: “I saw that the energy leakage caused by the misalignment of the line probably activated a certain system. The images should be some scenes that have happened on the battleship. I don’t know exactly what it is. It was not shown completely, probably because the energy is not enough. Try to replenish the energy on the battleship."

"Energy? What energy does this warship need?"

Shu Jie was puzzled.

According to his previous cognition, he thought that Junci knew the warship very well, but now he didn't seem to understand it very well, but he did have some understanding.

Could it be that the teenager is hiding something?

Shu Jie was a little confused for a while.

Junci is indeed concealing it. No matter how much she knows, it is impossible to tell them in detail. This will only cause trouble for herself, blur the focus, and make them illusory. This is the purpose of Junci.

"I don't know, you can try artificial energy such as sunlight, moonlight, or electricity."

Junci is also not clear about this. If Guru is the sun's light that can replenish energy, it is because it has produced some abnormal changes.

The last star is different. It seemed to be supported by moonlight at first. If moonlight can shine into the abyss from the canyon, the sun will naturally be able to do it, and it is more abundant than moonlight, but the last star does not use solar energy.

Junci is puzzled at this point.

In other words, even if the last star has passed through the black hole space like Guru, the loss is huge, and there is no abnormal change to a certain degree?

Because in the strict sense, Guru has become more of a ‘human’ with a machine brain.

"I know."

Shu Jie understood, but didn't say anything. He asked Junci if he wanted to go to the base again. Junci returned and didn't need it, "but you do me a favor."

She had an idea in her mind and she needed Shu Jie to use her privileges.

Shu Jie promised in one fell swoop: "What? You say yes, I can do my best to help you."

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