Jiang Yi's complaint came from the video: "Mom, I haven't talked to Cici yet."

Mother Jiang turned her head back and told him: "What are you in a hurry?"

Turned his head and continued smiling brilliantly with Jun Ci, "Is Cici busy these days?"

Junci told the truth: "It's very busy. I am sorry that I cannot come back to visit you this year."

"What are you concerned about?" Mother Jiang raised the phone to Father Jiang again, "Come on, husband, say Happy New Year to Jun Ci."

Father Jiang looked at the phone and his expression seemed a little stiff. Now that he saw Junci's men's clothing, he was still a little unacceptable, but he was embarrassed to say that he could only say stiffly: "Happy New Year."

Jun Ci also said politely: "Happy New Year, Uncle Jiang."

She now understands how Jiang Yi felt when he saw her father.

After talking for a while, Mother Jiang gave the phone to Jiang Yi. Jiang Yi saw the special effects on the video on the phone and clicked to eliminate it: "Mom, what are you driving? It's vulgar."

"What kind of vulgar, it's so cute! When I video with your sister, I often open it."

On the phone, Jun Ci curled her lips to agree with Mother Jiang: "It's very cute."

Mother Jiang: "Look!"

Jiang Yi was not convinced: "Porcelain, then you can drive me to see."

The boy simply said: "Don't think about it!"


When Junci was driving the video, the piano walked into the tent, and Junci beckoned to it: "Come here and say hello to your ex."

The piano walked over and looked at the video with slanted eyes. Jiang Yi was a little disgusted: "Why do you grow uglier!"

Erha was pretty cute when he was a child, and when he grew up, he was a stupid spokesperson. That dog face was stupid at first glance.

When the piano heard the words, he directed the video "Oh oh oh oh"

[You are so ugly, I am 10,000 times more handsome than you! 】

It's a pity that Jiang Yi didn't understand what it said, but Jun Ci smiled.

Because Grandpa Jiang and all of them are here, Jiang Yi is not easy to say too clingy, but still can't help but miss a little: "I miss you so much."

There was a cold snort from Father Jiang: "It's really useless."

Jiang Yi glanced at him, ignoring him, Jun Ci also smiled: "I miss you too."

Hearing these words, Jiang Yi immediately felt euphoric, and he smiled as if he was a little bit reserved with the corners of his lips. Jiang's father felt very sad when he saw Jiang Yi's lackluster appearance.

Mother Jiang patted him on the back. Father Jiang dared not say anything. Grandpa Jiang squinted at him and said slowly, "I'm like this, and I hope my son will have something to do."

Father Jiang: "..."

It felt like an arrow in the heart.

Mother Jiang covered her mouth and giggled, "Dad, don't talk about him, Yun Nan has a thin face."

Grandpa Jiang lifted his reading glasses and continued to read his book. In the entire living room, I heard the voice of Jiang Yi and Junci Video talking, and occasionally two dog barks came out.

Hearing the barking of the dog, Grandpa Jiang suddenly remembered the dog that Jiang Yi once had: "Jian Yi, did your dog be raised by Jun Ci?"

Jiang Yi in the video raised his head and nodded: "Yes, grandpa, didn't you know it a long time ago?"

"Oh, I just asked casually. Haven't been bred? Haven't given birth yet?"

Jiang Yi said casually: "No, I heard that I have been matched several times, but I didn't want a cub."

He is also not very clear, just talk casually.

Grandpa Jiang thoughtfully: "Oh, you have huskies? I heard that huskies are...not smart?"

Grandpa Jiang used a subtle word, and Jiang Yi responded directly: "Yes, it's really stupid."

The piano screamed.

I can hear it! ! !

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