The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1432: Furious Miles

As Junci expected, Lydia's beauty is still very sensational.

The classic and noble temperament she carries on her body is hard to see in the younger generation of women. After all, she was the eldest lady of the Austin family. She has been professionally nurtured since she was a child, and after being imprisoned by Jun Chengyue, it seems that she has not been affected. What kind of abuse, in addition to not being able to go outside, she lives very well.

She has a lot of time to decorate her best self.

But Lydia's exposure is bound to attract the attention of the Austin family.

When Lydia disappeared, although not many people knew about it, Lydia's father, Jun Ci's grandfather, must have known Lydia.

She wanted to know how shocked the man who thought his biological daughter was dead was when he saw Lydia was still alive.

But what Jun Ci didn't expect was that it was Claire who hadn't spoken for a long time to call her.

"My God, I saw your mother, Emp, I saw Sister Kai'Sa!"

Kai'Sa is Lydia's original name.

Claire's voice was filled with excitement: "Sister Kai'Sa is not dead, she is still alive!"

This ice beauty was more excited than ever. After saying this, she sent a picture of Lydia to Jun Ci.

Photos taken by passers-by on the Internet.

Lydia has a photo of Claire, so now Claire saw the news about Lydia almost instantly.

Junci was unconvinced, the news was originally sent out by her, so she just said calmly: "Claire, I saw it, you don't need to be so excited."

"But why doesn't she come back to find you? Why doesn't my sister come back to find us?"

Claire's voice was full of confusion and incomprehension: "My sister was discovered in Canada. I plan to visit Canada first."

"You don't have to go."

Jun Ci stopped her whimsical thoughts: "She is controlled by others, you are going to die, or else you think she hasn't appeared for so many years?"

Jun Ci's words caused Claire to stagnate.

She was indeed too excited, so she never thought of this.

If Lydia could really come back, why did she appear so abruptly after so many years, but not return to the Austin family.

There was an unbelievable shout from Miles in the voice, as if urging Claire to pass.

Thinking of Miles, Junci chuckled and said: "Also, Aunt Claire, you better know that the situation of the Austin family is not suitable for Lydia to come back. If you feel that it doesn’t matter, look at your brother and you. Parents are willing to have one more person to divide the property."

Lydia's identity is too embarrassing now.

Claire was speechless for a while. Seeing that Jun Ci didn't say much, she had to hang up.

Elderly Miles was sitting there with his mobile phone in his hand. It was Lydia's news report. His expression didn't look very good, and he looked a little dignified.

Claire stepped forward, took a look at the report, and said seriously, "Father, that's my sister, Kai'Sa."

Miles heard this, but suddenly furious: "What sister? Kaisha died long ago, she died when she was fifteen years old, but she was a strange woman, how could she qualify to be your sister? Claire, Some words must go through the brain!"

After he said, he walked away angrily.

Claire was left biting her lip.

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