The Jun family can't deal with it, an Austin family, hope is still great.

Now Silori has gotten everything through in the United States. Although the foundation is not stable, it is inevitable to surpass the Austin family to some extent.

The only bad point is that Austin is the king of casinos, and Silorie’s main focus is high-tech. There is no conflict between the two, and there is no intersection on business.

Unless Junci enters the gambling industry.

But Austin’s power in the United States should not be underestimated. It has dominated Las Vegas for so many years. If you rush to open a casino, you will never be pleased in Las Vegas. The casino is the most complicated, and there are countless celebrities in it. Austin The family connections are also very strong.

However, unless it is an impact on the Austin family, even if a casino is opened, it is of little use.

Jun Ci squeezed his chin and thought, "A new way of gambling?"

There are tens of thousands of gambling methods on the earth, even strange, but what is popular in casinos is basically popular in the world.

To be useful, it must be a breakthrough.

Gulu quickly understood Junci's meaning, and followed up with a suggestion: "His Royal Highness, should we use the gambling method of the interstellar age?"

Gambling? A kind of behavior equivalent to games that has been circulating for thousands of years is popular. No matter what era, there is no shortage of people who like gambling.

Especially in the interstellar age, on so many planets, almost every planet has gambling venues. Naturally, there are many gambling methods that are completely different from the earth.

"But in the Interstellar Age, we are using some special technologies, most of which I am afraid we can't show."

This is also the worry of Junci, because there are thousands of gambling methods, but most of them require high-tech support, which is completely impossible now.

"It can be provided to the casino in a few simple ways, and then we will cooperate with the casino."

Gulu's proposal made Junci a little thoughtful.

Indeed, although the Austin family belongs to the overlord of Las Vegas, Las Vegas is not just a casino of the Austin family. There are countless other small families or large families participating in the casinos. Las Vegas itself is a casino. Casino.

Cooperating with a casino, or opening a casino by yourself, the former is more advantageous for Junci.

Thinking of this, Junci nodded: "Yes, then use this method, but if you want to cooperate with the casino, you must have a novel gambling method. Guru, you can filter in your database, and there are appropriate collections for I, then I will make the choice."

"Okay, Your Highness!"

When you have something to do, you are very happy. After discussing the matter, Jun Ci got up and got out of the tent.

She is still on the mountain now, the filming of the crew has not yet finished, and now the taste of the year has not completely faded away, the crew is quite lively, and there are full of entertaining staff everywhere.

Among them, playing mahjong or playing cards is countless. After all, in this world, playing cards is a popular way of gambling.

It can be seen everywhere.

"Hey, director."

Dai Tanin came over wearing a costume. She should have finished filming a scene in the morning. She did not remove her makeup if she wanted to shoot again in the afternoon. Her face was dusty and looked dark, and the makeup was deliberately messy after all. , But the makeup makes the tannins feel embarrassing.

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