The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1450: Equivalent to VR

-Fortunately, I was not in a hurry to ridicule at the time. Otherwise, this wave of face slaps wouldn't affect me?

-The emperor loves to make big moves, it really makes people love and hate

-The new technology is probably an experiment in the movie "Seventh Killer Space". I don't know what kind of technology it will be. The special effects have improved again?

-Hahahahahahahahaha The love of beauty can be said to be maddening. For the first time, I felt that Allen is a handsome man than so cheap. Hahahahahahahaha. After a few days of cursing with others Aimei, now I apologize. If you love the beauty or not, I'm afraid that you will get angry with the beauty of the beautiful and delicate body hahahahahaha

-Bai Lai Men is equal to tore my face with Aimei directly... Tsk tsk tsk, why love beautiful

-But the new version of the teaser hasn't come out yet, why are you sure it's a beautiful face? Pay attention to a key fact, it is important that this film is not wonderful

-I think the emperor's movie is still okay, but I don't know what the new technology is, I look forward to it!

-I appreciate that the big guys in Europe and America are tearing them by themselves. You don't need to worry about fans. Looking at the country, they are all secretly poke and poke connotation and operate fans to spray each other.



This news has been seen by the Chinese entertainment circle. The European and American tearing is not the main thing. The main thing is that the previous trailer did make them feel that the emperor's level of this film has not been properly displayed.

Some people almost made a mockery again, and now they saw the news from Bai Lai Men, all of them were quiet and afraid to speak.

Mu Baijun also called Jun Ci and teased her: "Jun Ci, your wave is really bad. Alta went crazy at home and broke something and triggered the alarm, which caused the police to come to the door and everyone in the circle knew about it. I'm laughing at her now."

Jun Ci didn't care very much, and faintly pursed her lips with a smile: "Is this important? It's just an insignificant person."

To be honest, in Junci's eyes, Alta's no-brained behavior is completely inferior to the qualifications that can make her pay special attention. It is too low for her to care about her.

What's more, there is no need to do it, Alta will kill himself first.

Mu Baijun instantly understood what she meant, and smiled silently. No wonder the boy was so quiet after Alta’s affairs came out: “I’m not going to talk about it in advance, but I’m also very curious about the news announced by Bai Laimen. I knew in advance that you used new technology to shoot. , But what is the new technology, it is convenient for you to disclose it now?"

The crew including the actors are actually at a loss.

They knew that Junci used new technology to make movies, but they didn't know what effect this new technology represented.

This matter is only known to the top management of Bai Lai Men, as well as the cinema chain that is currently cooperating.

Now that Bai Lai Men says that this new technology can bring about reforms in the film industry, it is very curious.

Junci: "Sister Baijun, have you played VR games?"

"Huh?" Mu Baijun was puzzled: "I haven't played it, but I saw my son played it. It's a very real simulation environment..." As he said, Mu Baijun suddenly realized something, and his tone trembled. Get up: "You mean, the new film technology, is..."

"Almost, it can show the effect similar to VR, but it is still not as good as VR in the senses, but it is completely beyond the current 3D technology."

This sentence is simply shocking.

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