The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1453: You are not allowed to mention that child!

"His Royal Highness, do you want to tell Jun Chengbai that Jun Chengyue has brought Lydia back to China?"

This question made Junci think about it, and finally shook his head: "Don’t worry, if he doesn’t tell me, it means that he knows Lydia will not be in any danger, but Jun Chengyue takes Lydia back to China. Something might make him start to panic in his heart, so let's not disturb him."

What's more, when she is doing these things by herself, it is best not to let Jun Chengbai know, so as not to disturb her thoughts.

In the next time, Jun Ci didn't pay attention to things on the Internet, she paid attention to Jun Chengyue and Lydia the whole time.

Nothing unusual was found on the plane for the time being. Lydia didn't talk to Jun Chengyue at all, and Jun Chengyue didn't say anything. The two were silent until they got off the plane.

When the plane arrived at Huaguo Airport, Lydia followed Jun Chengyue out of the cabin door, looking at this strange land, a little confused.

She didn't know in advance where Jun Chengyue would bring herself, and she didn't ask, but when she got here, when she found that the surrounding text was strange and familiar, Lydia couldn't help but: "Why did you bring me here? "

This is China.

She has been with Jun Chengbai for so many years. Although Chinese is not very good, she recognizes part of Chinese fonts.

In fact, Miles was far-sighted at that time. Although Lydia did not like China, she was forced to learn some Chinese culture.

It's just that she doesn't like it, so she didn't learn very well.

Later, when she met Bai, Lydia was surprised why she fell in love with this Chinese man.

When she saw the familiar words around her, she knew immediately that Jun Chengyue brought herself to China.

"This is the place where Bai was born."

The voice of the man in front was mellow and elegant, and Lydia was not surprised to hear these words: "Of course I know, I asked why you brought me here?"

The man stopped talking, just walked forward quietly.

Lydia knew some of his character, did not ask, and followed quietly.

In the bustling and bustling airport, two people's figures are like a beautiful landscape. Lydia was only seen by a small group of people when she appeared in front of the people from the VIP channel for a while.

They were amazed at Lydia's beauty. When she disappeared from their eyes, they seemed to have a lovely dream, only for a moment, and after recovery, there was a touch of melancholy.

After getting in the RV, the two of them did not speak either.

Lydia couldn't help looking out of the car window, Jun Chengyue did not stop her.

For so many years of life, even though she was imprisoned, Lydia still maintained a part of the innocent curiosity that belonged to a girl, even in her age, she no longer belonged to this stage.

She is curious about Bai's world, where Bai has lived.

In this country, she was very unhappy, and she changed all her thoughts for nothing.

She stared at everything, a rare brilliance filled her pupils, which made her more beautiful.

However, the man beside him wanted to break this calm: "Lydia, have you ever thought about that child for so many years?"

Lydia felt her scalp tighten when she heard the words "children", and she had an uncontrollable urge.

She completely broke her current calm state of mind, and finally couldn't calm herself and became a little hysterical.

"Shut up, you are not allowed to mention that kid!"

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