The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1457: Trailer for long lines to watch

-Fuck! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

-What else can I say, the first hot review completely represents our attitude

-Play a big one quietly, Bailaimen and the emperor are now fathers, Nima VR movie, you guys are going against the sky! !

-So the recent collective renovation of movie theaters is because of the advent of new technologies? Fuck, I thought it would be 5D6D after 3D4D, but suddenly it became VRM1

-So is the hot spot of "Seventh Killer Space" here? In other words, I can see a real interstellar world? Damn it!

-Ah ah ah ah, you must go to the cinema to watch, you must go to the cinema to watch the VRM1 version! !

-Nima, our small local movie theater said there is no way to install it, we can only drive to the big city next door to see if there is any

-I noticed that the research and development company for this new technology is Silori, a new company in the United States. Isn't this company the smart doll company that is popular in the United States? Why suddenly became a researcher of film technology...

-After the emperor turned out, how do I feel that a lot of technologies have been unprecedentedly developed...Virtual and intelligent, now the rapid development makes me a little panic, the game "Hongmengjie" is so real to the point of abnormality...

-The comment said that after the emergence of the emperor, the technology has been highly developed, which makes me think about it...



[VRM1 technology is now available, comparable to the reality of VR? 】

[The movie pavilion of the VRM1 version of "Seventh Killer Space" appeared in the magic capital and the imperial capital, and the citizens queued to experience it]

["The Seventh Killer Space" throws a blockbuster, will Bai Lai Men recreate its original glory? 】


Not only Weibo and INS, the major media exploded as soon as the news was announced.

This matter is not just as simple as the emergence of new technologies, it can involve the interests of all relevant personnel in the film industry.

When Bai Lai Men announced that it had VRM1 technology, the development company of this technology, Silori Group was directly picked out.

After knowing that they have such amazing technology in their hands, the list of cooperation is almost flooded.

No matter what kind of praise it is, it is not as powerful as the movie pavilions that appear in major cities.

When the people went in and put on their glasses, this was not the ordinary airport video that Boris had watched. The trailer for the seventh killer space was completely the explosion point. The moment they put on the glasses, they found themselves in the universe. It was empty, and I could only see a planet far apart. The sense of weightlessness was so serious that it almost didn't scare people to pee.

When the battleship in the movie comes on the stage, the heroes and heroines and the characters in the play seem to be by their side, but they are not completely immersive. The audience seems to have the perspective of God and can see the dynamics of all the characters, but no matter if they go forward or Looking back, I was surrounded by the movie world, as if completely out of reality.

When the battleship bombing scenes and the martial arts scenes appeared in the trailer, the audience in the movie booth directly screamed, and the whole body couldn't help twisting, as if they were dodging the bombs that seemed to explode beside them and dancing. Knives and guns, it's just too scary.

This scream attracted too many people. People who didn't know thought they were watching a horror movie.

So there was a long line directly outside the few movie booths.

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