The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 146: That baby is His Royal Highness

At the end of June, the imperial capital was hot enough to peel.

Junci stayed in the air-conditioned room all afternoon, and when he walked on the street, it was **** on earth...

I was already sweating when I got home.

"Okay, master, do you have a habit of drinking old duck soup? It's an appetizer to make old duck soup on a hot day. If you drink it, the old duck will have to hang for several days before it is authentic.

Ma Li asked some questions about Junci about eating. She liked Junci too much and felt that it was a pleasure to make good food for this young master every day.

"Taste, taste."

Jun Ci waved his hand, but did not refuse.

In fact, she doesn't know much about the food of the earth.

But I really have to say that although the primitive earth is a bit less particular about food, it tastes really good.

At least compared to their later interstellar age, the taste of Chinese food is extremely delicious.

"Okay, I'll get the materials first."

Li Ma left happily, and Jun Ci went into the room to take a shower.

When taking a shower in the bathroom, Junci's body has a moment to relax.

Because she tied her chest.

In fact, Junci's body is not very good, it is also developing normally.

But if you don't tie it up, you can see a trace even in a loose T-shirt.

So Junci has corsets.

I used to be a boy before, but now some habits can’t be changed.

But some of Junci's thoughts are actually normal female thoughts.

It just means that I have never met a person who can completely show her feminine thoughts.

In general, the people you meet now are weak in the eyes of Mr. Ci!

How can a weak chicken be worthy of Master Porcelain's care and show off the softness of women?


After the shower, Jun Ci waved his arms and twisted out of the bathroom. Ma Li had already set up the dishes.

The carefully prepared meals are somewhat different from those in the hotel outside, at least in terms of Junci’s discerning taste.

After eating, Li Ma cleaned up the dishes and Jun Ci played games online.

She plays games without spending money and doing nothing. It is purely a pastime, and she doesn't have much interest in this aspect.

Basically, enough to play is enough.

The imperial capital late at night is brightly lit.

Jun Ci sits in the living room and plays with the computer while Ma Li is watching TV.

At this time, Gulu suddenly said: "His Royal Highness, I found a little clue about your biological parents."

When Junci heard it, he immediately had a meal, then picked up the notebook and entered the room.

Ma Li turned her head when she heard the sound: "Master, are you going to sleep?"

Jun Ci nodded: "Well, Li Ma, you should go to bed earlier."

"Good young master, you should rest early and pay more attention to your body."

As soon as he entered the room, Jun Ci threw the notebook on the bed, and asked in surprise, "Is it finally found out?"

"Guru also took a lot of effort. Guru didn't expect it to be in the hospital database. Instead, he found it from an ordinary computer. According to the information, the information found was actually a photo. After passing the information on the computer, according to Gulu’s restoration, the photo looks like this."

As soon as Guru finished speaking, he directly showed the way of virtual imaging of the photo.

But as soon as he saw the actual image, Jun Ci frowned: "Half a picture?"

The message Gulu released was half a photo.

It's really a half.

It was like being torn apart, leaving only the legs of a woman, wearing a white dress, and the baby in her arms was too small, just showing the whole picture.

Probably just a few days after birth.

"After comparing the skull, Gulu confirmed that the baby in the photo is His Royal Highness. Not surprisingly, the one holding His Royal Highness is His Royal Highness's mother."

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