The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1465: Eat chicken

"Porcelain, you call me?"

As he spoke, he walked upstairs.

The card was thrown by him, and the others stared with big eyes, especially the habitual porcelain just now. It really made people feel a little goosebumps.

The atmosphere at the scene was embarrassing, mainly because there were a lot of people, and the sound just now was a bit subtle.

What's more, everyone knows Jiang Yi's temper, and he can be called away while playing cards. This relationship is definitely not normal.

Ji Moyin sat down on Jiang Yi's position and greeted the others: "Go on, Brother Yi has something to do, I'll help him get it down."

With Ji Moyin's words, the atmosphere regained the warmth of the scene.

Jiang Yi went upstairs and saw the young boy standing there with some not sober eyes, as if she had just woke up. She was still standing on the soft carpet with bare feet, wearing only a simple white shirt and beige casual cropped pants. Exposed slender ankles, small bones, even toes are indescribably round and cute.

Probably to sleep comfortably, Jiang Yi saw her shirt loose at a glance, and when he walked closer, he probably didn't even wear any underwear, but was covered with a simple white shirt.

This kind of Junci almost exudes the smell of a fairy from head to toe, which caused him to be a little impulsive. He used to hold Junci by her waist and hugged her up, biting her ears in her ears: "How courageous."

After finishing speaking, he bit down on Xia Junci's white and delicate earlobes.

The young man laughed and let him pick him up, wrapping his arms around him: "You are also bolder."

I'm not afraid to see this amazing scene when someone comes up.

"No one dared to come up."

Even if Ji Moyin and the others want to come up, they have to allow themselves, not to mention that they know that the emperor above is there, and they will not go up rashly.

Jiang Yi kissed her and put her on the bed again, not willing to get up from her: "What are you telling me to do?"

"I'm hungry, you ask the servant to help me prepare some snacks and make a cup of hot juice, without too much, lest I can't eat at night."

"Oh? Hungry?"

Jiang Yi said this in a slightly dumb voice, and his fingers were spinning lazily around Jun Ci's lower abdomen. When he moved up a little bit, he touched the softness that should not be touched. Jun Ci kicked him, "Hurry up, I hungry!"

Jiang Yi stood up reluctantly, "Fine, do it for you."

The words are said to be like this, but the corners of the lips are raised.

He went downstairs to order the servants. Jun Ci felt that there were too many people downstairs to go down. He saw Jiang Yi's computer mainframe turned on. He moved the mouse to wake up the computer screen and saw a series of game icons on the screen.

Jiang Yi is a depraved second-generation ancestor. He had a relatively normal and corrupt life before entering the school. It is normal for boys like him to like to play, but this series of game icons are dizzy.

She saw the game icon of Battle Royale, and remembered that this game is still the second most popular under "Hongmeng Realm". If it weren't for Hongmeng Realm, I am afraid that this game would still rank first. I'm a little interested in bad games, click in to see other people's design patterns and game experience.

Jiang Yi logged in to the account herself, so she used Jiang Yi's account to log in.

Although I don’t know how to play this game, but with Gulu’s guidance, Junci still knows how to play.

After logging in to the game, there is a crazy flashing icon in the lower right corner of Jiang Yi's computer. Click it to see that someone has sent a message to Jiang Yi.

A, B, C, Ding: You **** big guy, take me to eat chicken!

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