The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1468: Jun Chengyue came with Lydia

Jun Ci still didn't shoot her teammate to death, she felt she could bear it.

However, Jiang Yi already thought of killing him with a shot through the computer screen.

Jun Ci didn't really want to play this game, she mainly experienced it, and then asked Nie Weiyuan if he had asked Manan in "Battle Royale".

Although from her point of view, this survival mode does not have much room for intelligence and openness, but the details on the map can be more optimized, there are various weapon drops, and other modes.

If this game company has this ambition, then they may not have the opportunity to cooperate.

So she just tried this game. It would be nice to have such a teammate to pass the time.

After all, all the way is to run laps and then kill people, it should be a spice.

Junci drove the car and drove through the remote corners all the way awkwardly. Although the car skills were not very good, with the advantage of his natural warship, Junci quickly became familiar with the various operations of this game.

When he arrived on a map, Gulu suddenly said: "His Royal Highness, there is a man under the tree at 150 west latitude on the left. Open a magnifying glass and hit him!"

The magnification mirror magnifies the point of view of the gun, making it easier to hit people.

Junci jumped off the car when he heard the words. There was a latitude at the top of the computer game interface. After turning to that direction, Junci opened the magnifier and saw two human legs exposed from behind the tree from the magnifier. Looking at the direction, it was estimated that this person was Ambush others.

Jun Ci squeezed the mouse tightly and tried to fire a few shots. Although the marksmanship was still a bit watery, he quickly killed the opponent.

The girl’s voice came from the headset: “You’re so amazing, you guys, you really are the first one to eat chicken!”

Jiang Yi was a little surprised: "How did you see Porcelain?"

Just now Jun Ci got out of the car and opened the magnifier and turned in one go, as if she knew there were people there.

His computer hasn't turned on the plug-in either!

Jun Ci coughed: "Intuition!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he said quietly: "Guru, don't cheat for me, I want to play the game by myself."

Guru: "Okay, Your Highness!"

Then he boarded the car again and set off. Within five seconds, Jun Ci was killed by bullets flying from nowhere.

"Ahhhhh, we are killed!!"

The sound from the earphone made Jun Ci anxious. Jiang Yi was beside him, smirking like he wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh: "Porcelain, so you were instinctive just now?"

Junci: "..."

She stood up silently and changed to Jiang Yi, and started eating snacks and fruits by herself.

Jiang Yi happily opened the second one, of course he didn't pull the man just now.

Jun Ci watched Jiang Yi played a game. Although he didn't want to admit it, he still had to say that Jiang Yi played this game really well. Some operations played Thieves 6, and in a short time, Jiang Yi won this game. The game, of course, he played the passerby game, matched the passerby teammates, and several people teamed up to win.

This game is still good.

Jun Ci sent a message to Nie Weiyuan and asked if the game company had contacted them. After Jun Ci had eaten, there was a voice shouting from downstairs.

"Jiang Yi, Jun Ci, what are you doing on it, come down quickly."

Jiang Yi still ignored, Jun Ci slowly packed up what he had eaten, and then began to get dressed, Gulu suddenly said: "His Royal Highness, Jun Chengyue and Lydia have come early."

Upon hearing this, Jun Ci immediately turned around and walked downstairs.

Jiang Yi was still working on the computer and saw Jun Ci's movements. He was taken aback, "Ci Ci, wait for me."

After that, I followed.

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