The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1481: Do not care

He didn't say too much, and after a few words, he let Jun Ci go.

Of course Jun Ci would not talk about this incident casually, but since Mr. Jiang is going to make a move, she just looks at it.

She has a very good sense of Jiang Shao, and the Jiang family's personalities are considered to be good. There is nothing wrong with the quality of the little overlord like Jiang Yi, but the personality is a little domineering, which is much better than many second generations.

Came to the front again, it was 10 noon.

The convoy is ready and is about to leave for the hotel.

There are some people with lower status who are not qualified to enter Jiang's house to congratulate them, and will receive them directly at the hotel.

This is the rule.

Jun Ci and Jiang Yi rode in the same car, of course, they rode in an RV, together with Ji Moyin and Xia Hanyun, Xia Changqing was also there.

It can be seen that Ji Moyin hasn't said this yet, and the atmosphere between the few people is very happy, and they also made jokes about Ji Moyin.

Jiang Yi first raised an issue: "You went out on such a special day last night. Who did you fool with? This newcomer is very important."

After all, Ji Moyin was able to run away on such a day.

Ji Moyin smiled, cast a glance at Jun Ci, and said, "Don't talk nonsense, this is not it."


Xia Hanyun also joked: "There are other women you can't catch up with Master Ji?"

Ji Moyin was not annoyed, and admitted generously, "Of course I did. Didn't I catch up with Junci's aunt?"

Junci: "..."

Everyone didn't expect him to block this incident and laughed together.

However, Xia Changqing didn't know about Junci's aunt, and was a little curious: "Junci's aunt? Does Junci still have an aunt?"

She was not malicious, but only vaguely knew that Junci had an uncle and aunt. When she went to check Junci's information, she could not find it. At that time, her information had been completely closed by the state.

So now the audience raised them with curiosity.


Jing Fuxiao replied in a low voice, "I am an American, heir to the Austin family."


Xia Changqing looked shocked: "Is it Claire? Claire, I know..."

They all belonged to the circle of celebrities. When Xia Changqing was studying in the United States, she knew Claire, but she was a little surprised: "Claire is the heir of the Austin family, the aunt of Junci? Then Junci..."

But Claire is young, how could he be Junci's aunt?

"This matter is a long story."

Xia Hanyun glanced at Junci. She was still there. Some things were inconvenient to talk about. Naturally, she had to ask Junci what she meant, but Junci herself answered: "My mother used to be the eldest lady of the Austin family and she disappeared very early. Now, not many people know the old lady of the Austin family, but I don’t know many things. The only thing I know is that she is my mother."

The boy shrugged, showing that he didn't think much about the matter.

Xia Changqing couldn't hide her surprise.

This incident can be described as bizarre. Everyone in the car was relatively silent. She went on stunned and said, "Isn't this a good thing? If you are also the heir of the Austin family, then you can also return to the Austin family. ."

Mentioning this incident, Jiang Yi first sneered and mocked disdainfully: "The kind of clan Junci who has a good eye and a low hand can't stand it. Miles is too confused to do things when he is old, and does not want Junci to go back, but it is not rare. ."

Now that there is the Jiang family behind Junci, Austin is indeed not rare.

Moreover, in terms of her own achievements, she is no less than the heritage of the Austin family.

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