The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1483: I have a bug

Lydia wore a black evening dress and exquisite jewelry, and her every move was luxurious.

When she came to the boy, she paused a little awkwardly: "Can I sit here?"

Jun Ci spread his hands: "Of course, no one here."

However, at this time, Jun Chengyue had already seen it.

But just watch, she wants to see what this person can see.

Can you still see that Jun Chengbai is not in her hands?

"Thank you."

Lydia sat down gracefully, probably feeling abrupt, and started to pour herself a glass of water.

"I saw you yesterday. I am not very familiar with Chinese characters, but I want to ask, in which two Chinese characters is your Chinese name Junci, can you write it to me?"

Finally couldn't help but ask.

The teenager smiled and looked at her, with his elbows resting on the armrest of the sofa and against his forehead. The seemingly graceful gesture actually covered his lips just right: "Of course he took the two for you. Words, you know it well, don’t you?"

In an instant, Lydia's cup started to tremble.

She looked at Jun Ci in shock, and she was completely surprised that she couldn't sustain it.

The boy continued to speak in English: "Mother, he is looking at you, don't be too shocked, otherwise it will be bad if he sees something."

A mother ignited Lydia's nerves, and the strings in her brain broke with it, but after hearing Junci's warning, she seemed to pour cold water on herself, and she forced herself to calm down.

She turned her back to Jun Chengyue, and Jun Chengyue could only see some movements of Junci and Lydia's back movement.

His eyes deepened, and he wanted to pass, Jiang Mu Shishi came forward: "Chengyue, can you come over for a while, my dad wants to talk to you."

Her tone and expression were exactly as natural as in Jun Chengyue's memory. For a moment, he almost thought Jiang Mu was deliberate.

However, such a thing can only be said to be a coincidence. He smiled perfectly, nodded and said, "Okay."

So he left with Mother Jiang.

Jun Chengyue was dragged away by Jiang's mother, but Jun Ci didn't expect it, but Lydia on the opposite side perfectly didn't notice.

Her fingers were trembling, she looked at Jun Ci and shook her head: "No, you are a boy!"

Her tone was very positive, she was born as a little princess, she remembered it clearly.

The boy suddenly approached her, with a playful smile on her face. For a moment, Lydia could clearly see that the delicate fluff on the boy's face was almost invisible.

It's perfect like a godsend.

"I'm a girl, this is my disguise, something he knows, otherwise he won't bring you back."

Jun Ci directly confessed his identity, and Lydia subconsciously curled up her fingers.

Her heart rolled like a stormy sea, and on the surface she had to force herself to act as if nothing happened.

She has always wondered why Jun Chengyue brought herself back to China. She thought it was because of Bai's disappearance, but now it seems that it is not just that.

He had discovered that their child was still alive!

Will bring myself back.

Lydia's heart fluctuated violently, she looked at Jun Ci, but she did not dare to say a word.

Jun Ci once again said something shocking: "Father is with me, it's safe, he will never find it."

This sentence made Lydia's nerves finally broken, and it also reminded her of a more deadly thing in an instant. She said in almost horror: "I have a bug!

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