The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 149: Malicious discussion

Until suddenly a script sent her an invitation.

The other party was sincere and seemed normal.

And is the role of female number one.

Luo Lanyi was shocked at the time, and then she checked the information on the play online.

Seriously, a novel script without a little fame is really anyone would hesitate.

Luo Lanyi was not surprised.

A script that is not popular represents various possibilities. The director is unreliable and the crew is unreliable.

Without the IP effect of the novel itself, it can't drive the heat.

Besides, this is still a movie.

However, the opportunity is rare.

This is the only script that sent her an audition for the heroine.

Moreover, although the novel is not well-known, she actually likes it very much.

I like the heroine inexplicably, even though the ending of her role is tragic.

However, this rare imperfect ending made Luo Lanyi especially like it.

In her bones, she is a kind of sentimental type, but she is deeply hidden. For this script, she feels deeply.

My eyes cried and swollen several times.

After struggling, hesitating, and hesitating, she finally decided to come after confirming that the audition place was also a normal place.

In any case, as long as there is a chance, always give it a try.

If the other party is unreliable or invites her to hold another purpose, Luo Lanyi can turn around and leave.

However, when she entered the audition floor, she was surprised to find that there were many people.

Everyone is holding a script of their own, or sitting or standing carrying their lines.

There is only one room for the audition.

After she entered, she asked for a number, and then the person who came to ask if it was the auditioner took the number plate.

It's relatively late, I don't know how long to wait.

However, the other actors who auditioned became shocked almost instantly after seeing Luo Lanyi.

Because she has taken off her sunglasses for politeness.

The perfect and delicate face of a girl is really rare, especially the elegant and classical temperament on her body is even more desirable.

Almost all the men on the scene looked straight. Except for the female actors who have good temperaments, most of the women are really hard not to be jealous.

There are many beautiful people in the circle, but it is really rare to see beautiful Xiang Luo Lanyi with such a unique temperament.

When most people see her, they almost feel that she is very suitable for the heroine in the article, Yu Ke.

Isn’t it the audition for the heroine?

After all, it seems that I have never heard of an audition heroine in the past two days.

Luo Lanyi had become accustomed to such gazes that looked envious or jealous.

Holding the script, stood quietly in a corner and recite the lines first.

I won’t be able to play abnormally in battle later.

Several actors close to her approached Luo Lanyi without thinking.

Some people took the opportunity to talk.

But they were evaded by her not salty or indifferent.

The goddess was also arrogant, and several men who had touched gray noses had to stay where they were, pretending to read the script.

"Hey, isn't she the one who used to be Luo Lanyi?"

"Luo Lanyi, who is it?"

"Oh, you don't know, two or three years ago, there was a lot of trouble, what kind of school flower competition, she was the most beautiful one among the school flowers. The school flower in the school flower!"

"Really, it's really beautiful, it looks so good without lighting or PS."

"Tsk, it seems to be taken care of."

"I heard that the private life is terrible, pretending to be innocent...hehe."

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