The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1491: coincidence

Junci notified the editorial department, and some friends in the circle should also notify one by one.

For example, Mu Baijun and the others, including Tanning Dai who had just worked together, have notified her.

She didn't post any Moments, after all, some people on WeChat are also unfamiliar, and don't need to let everyone know.

But after everyone knew the news that she was going to get engaged, they were stunned the first time.

But some people think differently. Engagement is good, not necessarily married.

But the Chinese people are conservative in their thinking. For them, engagement does not mean marriage.

Such a lifelong event, Junci came so suddenly, is it a bit too decisive?


Most people think that the emperor is too young and has a great career, and he will not change his footsteps by marriage.

Many people now think this way. It seems that if a man is young and promising, the later he gets married, the less important it is. On the contrary, girls have to enter the marriage hall early, and maybe they will be urged to marry at the age of twenty-two.

This is the difference in concepts, and the difference between men and women.

It’s rare to get married so early.

Everyone came to ask what kind of character the woman is, and Junci's remarks are gentle, beautiful and considerate.

However, after all, too many people were notified, and the news could not be kept for too long, so some news leaked out.

Junci was considered a half public figure, and soon someone posted a Weibo message on the Internet.

V: I heard that the emperor is going to get engaged every Monday, but I heard that it was recently heard in the entertainment industry because someone received an invitation and said that the engagement was in July.

-Fuck you shit! Can bloggers not spread rumors?

-? ? ? ? ? ? This news is considered the most daunting today, and even the news of his girlfriend has not been exposed. Why did you suddenly say that you are going to get engaged?

-The spread of rumors was cool for a while, why did the family crematorium send out unconfirmed news?

-You seem to never tell a fake, a little scared, why are you suddenly engaged? Something sudden

-The emperor said that if he gets engaged or married, he will talk about it publicly. If he receives news, maybe this is true. Fans don’t rush to curse...


A little bit of news can cause a big sensation, especially the emperor who doesn’t need hype and hot searches. Sudden news quickly detonated the Internet. According to Junci’s announcement of his engagement, the news was online the next day. exploded.

More and more insiders came forward and said that it was indeed about to be engaged, the emperor himself said.

But people who don't want to believe ask people to put out invitations, and they can't publish them.

After all, the specific date has not yet been determined, and Junci is only an oral notification.

There are also some fans who went to Jiang Yi's Weibo and said that they were all distressed.

Only here did you disclose the existence of your girlfriend, and directly said that you are going to get engaged. There must be some conflict between the two of them, so why did you do that?

Stimulate each other?

In the eyes of CP fans, everything is possible.

But some students from Longfu who knew the situation were not so good.

They are all in the same circle. Jiang Yi's mother announced at the birthday party that Jiang Yi will be engaged in July, but the specific date has not been announced. Now, there is news from Junci that she will be engaged in July?

Whether these two people get engaged to each other stimulates each other, or is it a more terrifying fact...

Is there such a coincidence in the world?

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