-Thank you for letting me die

-Wow, you still have to bless you, can you let us calm down first?

-At least some secretly taken photos came out, boss, we didn’t even receive this, you are about to get engaged? [Black question mark.JPG]

-How wonderful, fortunately you are not an idol, if you are an idol, how can fans stand it...

-The emperor's fans said the spiral exploded at the scene and the horse rose to heaven

-Mad, which fairy, which little fairy has taken your soul away! ! !

-You have the ability to get engaged, you have the ability to publish her photos! ! !

-Wow, cry, and hugged 320 pounds of myself in distress



Obviously, the fans who received the news first were not blessings the first time.


Ha ha!

Before someone else’s idol wants to announce their love affair, some clues are revealed. What clues have you seen the emperor?


Even the only scandal issue reported last time was from her classmate, who denied it to her herself.

Now the emperor himself came out and said that he was going to get engaged, which simply blew the fans' heads.

Are they not serious enough with them, or is the emperor hiding too deeply?

Obviously, there is no problem with the itinerary. How can there be a closer girl around the emperor?

All of a sudden, #皇帝Announcement Engagement News# this hot search quickly became the number one hot search.

However, in just one hour, the emperor's Weibo comments reached 300,000.

The forwarding reached a speed of millions and tens of millions, which made countless celebrities stunned.

Is this engaged?

Are you only twenty-two? !

Announcing your engagement at the age of twenty-two? Is the emperor crazy?

Even the most celebrities in the circle are not as courageous as her, although the emperor is not an ordinary person.

But in the entertainment industry, it is normal for male stars to get married when they are 30 years old. If they were before that, it would be too early.

Although the emperor did not take the road of eating by face, for many people, her face was so confusing that many people suddenly recovered. She is the director emperor, not a star emperor. .

This should belong to her private life.

It doesn't hinder the fan fryer.

At any rate, other fans still have reasons to make trouble. The emperor's fans can't make trouble.

What happened to my idol getting married? Look!

How can it be?

Countless fans of the emperor were crying in the toilet. For the fiancée of the boy like Zhilan Yushu, he wanted to get it out.

However, no matter how to pick it up, there is no trace.

In the exposed photos and itinerary of the emperor, she has never been with any special close women around her, and she rarely reappears, let alone her own news.

For a time, many people wondered whether it was the short-lived Sura at the beginning. It was not a cover, but was deliberately denied by the emperor, just to protect Sura.

Sula who is in school:? ? ? ?

Suddenly, the prestige of the skinning group was questioned. After a long time, the emperor's fiancee did not get a piece of hair. No matter what it was, the emperor's protection of this fiancée was horrendous.

What if there is no news to grab?

Of course, the old news is taken out for hype, as hot new news, what if it is fake?

Now fans just need a point of venting.

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