The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1499: opportunity

Jun Ci didn't know if the piano suddenly went crazy and said that she was making a movie. However, she did not expect that she saw Dai Tanin in the afternoon, which fulfilled her dream of filming piano.

When Dai Tanin came, she called Jun Ci quite cautiously.

Jun Ci went down to pick her up.

The current tannins have washed away the decadent and sluggish atmosphere on her body at the beginning, but there is still a melancholy that is too deep in the role of Zhuo Hong, but it looks much better than before.

She is now learning to maintain meticulous care, and there are assistants and makeup artist stylists to help. She is like a fashionable girl. Her face is not so amazing, but she knows her own advantages. She has a special three-dimensional makeup, which is impressive. The last sentence of beauty.

But she was still smiling and shy, and she could see her pure and innocent temperament. Now in school, the changes in tannins have attracted the attention of many people, and many boys have begun to chase her.

It was only because of his future identity that Tanning Dai kept a distance from these boys in accordance with the requirements of Fu Zhisheng's studio.

It would cause some bad news in the future.

She suddenly came to look for Jun Ci, which made Jun Ci a little surprised. After leading the people to her home, she asked, "What's the matter this time?"

She has always been straightforward. As soon as Dai Tanin came in, she saw the piano and cheered happily: "Piano!"

The piano also seemed to have met the revolutionary compatriots, rushing over with joy, rushing into Tanin's arms, and looking at Junci diagonally, full of contempt.

You don't like Lao Tzu, some people like Lao Tzu!

Who is not a young man?

Dai Tanin happily slapped the piano fur, and said embarrassedly: "Director, this time I really have something to ask you."

Jun Ci looked reverent, and Tanine relaxed a lot: "The studio has ordered me a few scripts. According to my image, I have chosen to star in a girl film. The script is not bad. After "Blind", my impression of the public has been finalized. However, in this film, the heroine has a pet dog, which was originally played with a golden retriever. She is smart and brave. I think of the piano as well. I plan to ask you to borrow the piano for a while. ."

When I heard the piano, my eyes lit up.

Jun Ci suddenly looked at the piano somewhat complicatedly: "You can borrow..."

The piano immediately yelled at Junci: [Shovel shit, you say something but try! 】

Jun Ci smiled silently: "Will the crew agree to use a Husky?"

In everyone's impression, the huskies are sabotage. If a huskies are used, will the crew really agree?

Dai Tanin hugged the dog's head of the piano: "It's okay. I can take the piano to the director and show them. The piano is so smart and the audition will definitely pass."

She is blind and confident about the piano. It was about the time when she was filming on the mountain. The performance of the piano helped her impulse.

Although the performance of the piano is indeed quite different from the previous Husky to some extent.

In addition, this stupid dog just wanted to act, Jun Ci changed his mind and nodded: "Yes, how long will it take?"

Dai Tanin was very happy: "I watched it. The play is very simple. If the piano plays are arranged fast, two months will be enough. Don't worry, the director. The crew is on the side of the imperial capital. I will ask someone to give the piano every day. Big bones."

When I listened to the piano, I was nestled in Dai Dan’s arms, his mouth grinning like a sunflower.

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