The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1505: Because it affected you

"When they entered the laboratory yesterday, they were very happy to announce to the students that they have had a successful performance. Today is the final experiment, the final experiment, something went wrong."

Shu Jie’s voice contained some faint sorrow, “They are all outstanding national talents. We do feel sad about their deaths, but perhaps in your eyes, their deaths have nothing to do with you. Of course, I am not What do you want to blame..."

"But you are really accusing me."

Jun Ci closed the folder, her eyes were cold: "You clarify over and over again, but you know very well that you yourself are accusing me, otherwise you won't come to me, even if you know it well, this is true. It has nothing to do with me."

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Shu Jie's face: "I'm sorry Junci, I really don't think like this myself, but that doll..."

"Because smart dolls are produced by my company, and all smart technologies are passed down from me."

These words made Shu Jie shut his mouth, because Jun Ci said exactly what he was going to say next.

"Do you know why they died?"

Junci lowered his head and took a sip of coffee: "Their real cause of death has nothing to do with smart technology itself. Smart technology will not cause problems. It is not smart technology that will cause problems."

"My purpose in creating smart dolls is to accompany those children, those who need to accompany them, not to let them be used for research, so in essence, they are impossible to study. Therefore, their team gets The research on smart technology in other countries is false news."

"Except for China, no country has the ability to conduct research."

"They felt that the research was successful. In fact, when the doll was dismantled, the chip was useless. They used the wrong smart code to control the laboratory's control system. The machine operated incorrectly, internal program conflicts caused external There was even greater conflict, which led to explosions, and the chemical laboratory building next door caused a series of explosions."

There was a cold light in Junci's eyes: "Do you know why the smart code is wrong? Because there is no smart code at all, the doll itself is."

Shu Jie was a little shocked at once: "No, it's impossible. If it's not attached to the program code, how can the doll have intelligence?"

"What kind of technology do you think the earth currently has that can write intelligent code? Is it just code that I study for you?"

The question of Junci successfully caused Shu Jie to get stuck: "I am not doing the research mainly..."

He himself is not quite aware of these.

Jun Ci pursed his lips and smiled lightly, but couldn't see any emotions: "You can tell me the meaning of the above directly."

Shu Jie glanced at Junci blankly, and then said: "Junci, tell me seriously, are the so-called smart technologies in our hands also under your control?"

He wasn't a fool either. The true meaning of Jun Ci's words just now came out immediately.

The so-called smart technology has always been in Junci's hands and spread to the outside world, but it is also controlled by her.

"No, what I give you is to study technology alone."

This sentence, Junci directly said: "You are now planning to cooperate with other countries, because this matter has an impact on you."

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