"Director...Hello, I am Luo Lanyi, I am here to audition for the role of the heroine Yu Ke"

Luo Lanyi, who came in, said hello when he saw that Junci was an unexpected young man, and he paused for a moment.

But quickly picked up his emotions.

After listening to her introduction, Junci seemed to have a smile in her eyes. She held her head slightly and stretched out her fingers: "You start the audition performance you prepared."

Luo Lanyi was stunned for a moment because of Jun Ci's actions.

At that moment, the young man tilted his head, his eyes smiled as if there were thousands of galaxies.

The whole audition room was bright.

There was a shock in Luo Lanyi's heart.

She hurriedly lowered her head and eased her emotions.

It's not that I haven't seen a good-looking person, but Luo Lan has very few opinions on a person with such good-looking eyes.

And there seemed to be a special kind of magic power in the boy.

I really took a look, and I felt that my whole body was glowing perfectly.

"Long lights..."

After Luo Lanyi was ready, she began her performance.

This scene was the last time Luo Lan intended to meet Chang Deng after being beaten into the world.

Yu Ke at this time was full of joy when she saw the long lamp.

As written in the novel, Luo Lanyi trot a few steps, as if running towards someone.

From the angle of the air, her eyes were focused and expressive, but in an instant, there was another imperceptible sadness, which caused her eyes to be filled with tears when she was happy.

Not to mention anything else, it elicits emotions in one second, and this acting is considered advanced.

Such people are not taken seriously. One can imagine how badly they are suppressed.

"I... Long Deng, I'm leaving now, I don't know how many years, I don't know, whether we will have a chance to meet again."

Luo Lanyi's tone was sad, but his tone was very ethereal.

Her voice is also that extremely soft tone.

"But, long light, I will never regret it!"

Luo Lanyi's expression seemed to have changed, as if it hadn't changed, but when he looked closely, there was a touch of tenacity and no regrets.

Can make people feel her determination.

Jun Ci raised his eyebrows, Luo Lanyi's acting skills.

It's really unexpectedly good.

But different from the form performance when evaluating the first audition actor, this Luo Lanyi, on the contrary, has a slightly insufficient form, but the micro expression change is simply exploded.

Jun Ci can only say that there are some people who are destined to enjoy food.

Luo Lanyi's micro-expression acting skills are things that many actors cannot practice.

If the details are further strengthened, given time, she has a chance, it will definitely be the kind of explosion.

And now, her play is Luo Lanyi's opportunity.

Jun Ci applauded: "Yes, the performance is in place."

Hearing Junci's compliment, Luo Lanyi stopped his movements, recovered calm, and wiped the tears that came out of his eyes.

For some reason, she just felt very happy when she heard Junci praise her.

"Pay attention to the amount of action the character should have when saying these words. There is basically no problem with your expression. The acting is very good. You will be notified when you return home and the audition will be over. There are also a series of arrangements for the script shooting. "

Jun Ci smiled slightly, and added: "Remember to arrange your time."

This sentence is already obvious.

Luo Lanyi was a little surprised, but just like her character, she was not used to expressing too intense emotions. She only said gratefully: "Thank you, director, I will work hard."

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