Yang Feng smiled softly: "What kind of person do you think the emperor is?"

Dai Tanin thought about the youth sometimes looking like a god, and shook his head: "I don't think so."

"That's not enough, don't think too much."

Yang Feng whispered: "Just about that. You'll see it later. Just go ahead properly. Don't force it. Do you think she apologizes and it's over? Now the crew knows that she kicked the emperor's robot. It will spread all over the world. Some people will rectify her. This is not the emperor’s meaning, but others will think that she has offended the emperor. She has made things out of her own. It is not about other people’s matters, so don’t think too much. ."

Tanning seemed to understand, Yang Feng also said: "However, I don't know if it is peculiar. The emperor's robot is different, and the dog is also different. Is that piano really a Husky?"

Speaking of piano, Taninda became excited: "I also think that piano is not like ordinary huskies. It is so smart and basically not disruptive. It can understand my commands. It's so smart. I don't know how the emperor is. Teach me, it would be nice if the emperor raises the dog so smart."

Yang Feng nodded in agreement: "A smart dog is a lot of peace of mind, but the emperor's article is really strange. I have seen my nephew's husky before. It is the captain of the demolition brigade, who is totally disobedient..."

When the two chatted, they talked about the experience of raising a dog.

When Jun Ci came out after busying his work, he saw the crazy screen in the WeChat group. After thinking about it, he asked Guru: "Are you all right now?"

Gu Lu Jiang just talked about the situation at the scene, and Jun Ci said lightly: "It's just a woman who has no vision, don't worry, she can't go far."

Some people don't need to care at all.

"His Royal Highness, Heart Blindness will be released on May 1, two months earlier than the seventh killer space. After you get engaged with Jiang Yi later, aren't you going to officially film "Interstellar Glory"? Cooperate with the company invested by He Jiankang? "

Junci said with an "good": "I also promised him. After the interstellar glory is over, I will shoot Star Power, and I will talk about the future."

"At that time, the seventh killer space will be broadcast. Will Your Highness disclose the identity of Chairman Silori as planned?"

Jun Ci hesitated a little: "I originally thought so, but now it seems that there is an opportunity. If there is any opportunity, I will disclose it. If there is no chance, I will postpone it for the time being. I will be busy in July. Regarding Jiang Yi’s engagement, Gulu, see if there are any suitable tourist attractions. Then Jiang Yi and I will travel for a month or two."

"His Royal Highness, Jiang Yi will go on mission immediately after getting engaged with you. The return date is uncertain. Would you like me to take a peek at their current mission information?"

Jun Ci paused, remembering Jiang Yi's graduation mission, and shook his head: "Forget it then."

Since she has promised that the country will not do other things, she will not do things that touch the bottom line. Although the country will not know, but Junci still has constraints in her heart.

"it is good!"

Junci drove home from the underground garage. At the same time, in the remote coastal city, a great scientific research is underway.

It has been a long time since the last star reacted.

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