When Yuan Chenyan bought the tickets, he didn't get many good positions. The good positions were almost robbed, only the two rows before and after.

Bai Duyuan and Sura sat in front, and Jun Ci and Yuan Chenyan sat in the back.

When the movie started, there were some whispers.

After the movie opened, it gradually calmed down.

As a rookie starring Tanning Dai is of course unfamiliar in the eyes of the public, but it does not prevent her acting skills from being popular.

The first act of the movie is about the beginning of Zhuo Hong, a college student who has just graduated and entered the society. After a summer vacation in his hometown, he prepares to go north to find a job.

She is a particularly standardized female college student, young and vigorous, and some whimsical edges and corners have not been smoothed by the society, and she has good expectations for her future.

She is not perfect, and she has conflicts with her parents, but they are all small tongues in life, and her parents still pamper her.

A few minutes later, Zhuo Hong took the red car to the big city, where she dreamed of sailing.

But it was a nightmare journey.

On the train, Zhuo Hong met the beginning of the nightmare, a middle-aged woman who can speak good things.

When this scene was filmed, the beginning of Zhuo Hong’s abduction was changed. It’s just that the reason was too rigorous. If it was deliberately deceived, a woman cheated Zhuo Hong out of her tongue. Trust, so it’s more profound and specific.

The middle-aged woman is very kind, at least on the surface, saying that she is going to visit her son's family.

Some small incidents on the train made Zhuo Hong gradually trust the woman who went to visit her son.

Getting off the train is the beginning of the story, because the route to go is almost the same (the woman defrauded Zhuo Hong's address information), so Zhuo Hong got into the car where the woman's son came to pick her up, saying that she was going on the way.

The nightmare began here.

She is kind and innocent, but she also knows some social dangers, but she still knows how to do it. She drank the water the woman had handed in the car, then fell unconscious, and then lost consciousness.

After all, she had never thought that the plot on TV would appear on her. In life, there are still many ordinary people who are still defenseless.

When she woke up, she was already in the small mountain village.

This is deep in the mountains, a loess, poor and backward, spent tens of thousands of dollars to buy her old bachelor, used all of her belongings, and there is an unreasonable and arrogant old mother in the house.

From the bright opening to the end of the whole movie, the colors are getting darker and darker, making people look at their hearts sinking.

My heart became more and more depressed, especially Zhuo Hong's desperate cry in the middle and late clips, and fierce resistance and struggle, being beaten and raped, all became the point of poking the audience's heart.

They could hardly believe what happened to Zhuo Hong in the depths of the mountain, such brutality was unbelievable.

She was also limped on one leg, and she was tortured in a form of inhuman form for several years on the mountain.

Later, Zhuo Hong finally found a chance to escape, but at this time, she had already given birth to a son for the old bachelor.

Still that way, the ignorant mountain man tried to tie Zhuo Hong with the child, crying and begging her not to leave.

But in front of the police and the crowd, Zhuo Hong was almost crazy. She couldn't wait to strangle the child, kill the old bachelor's family, and slaughter everyone in the village.

What she yelled was what Xiaohui yelled at those mountain people in front of Jun Ci that day.

Every sentence punishes the heart, and it tears the heart.

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