The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1548: Daughter-in-law naughty

The location of Jiang Muyue was a private studio. After checking Gulu's information, he knew that he was a famous international wedding dress designer.

Lena Johnson, Asian, Chinese name He Shujing, is very good at designing dresses, and has her own separate show at Fashion Week.

The wedding dress series she designed, combined with the Chinese embroidery style, is beautiful, and she is one of the most favorite wedding dress designers in the upper class.

The studio is actually the company floor. When Junci drove the car downstairs, the staff was a little surprised to see the emperor appear here.

For celebrities or celebrities, regular contact with the staff is certainly no stranger. The news that the emperor is about to get engaged has long been circulated, but I did not expect the emperor to appear here now.

The owner of the studio is He Shujing. Did the emperor come to her to design his fiancée's wedding dress?

But the boss made an appointment with an important guest today and will not meet other guests today.

But they still knew something. First they called their boss and said the emperor was here.

He Shujing was receiving Mother Jiang at this time. The elegant woman in cheongsam was chatting generously with each other. After receiving a call and hearing that the emperor was coming, He Shujing was a little strange for a while: "The emperor? Is that the great director emperor?"

She has only heard of this person's name, but she has never been in contact with her personally.

Without an appointment, how could the emperor come to his studio?

Which Jiang mother next to her smiled and waved: "Yes, it's her, just let her come up."

He Shujing's brows twitched, and her speech turned quickly: "Okay, just ask him to come up."

She has been in the upper class for so long, and naturally she has a thorough understanding of some things, and she knows that you shouldn’t ask, but this matter really made He Shujing too curious, plus she and Jiang’s mother have worked together several times, knowing This tall and powerful lady has a good temper, so she smiled and asked, "Mrs. Jiang, did you mean your daughter-in-law?"

He Shujing is in her forties this year, but she is well maintained, but not as outstanding as beautiful, she is just an ordinary Asian appearance, but has a more comfortable temperament, and her gestures are very elegant.

She spoke with a very soft tone. Her mother was a soft woman from the south of the Yangtze River, and every word she said was soothing as if her pores could be opened.

With this advantage, it is also one of the reasons why He Shujing has a high reputation in the upper class.

Mother Jiang also smiled, her legs tilted slightly, and she sat there gracefully, with a complete celebrity demeanor in every move: "Yes."

Two words made He Shujing startled.

how can that be possible? The emperor is here, how could it be the wife's daughter-in-law?

Isn't the emperor a man?

She hasn't asked her next question yet, and Junci has been brought up respectfully by the staff.

Mother Jiang smiled happily: "Come on? Porcelain."

What made He Shujing dumbfounded was that she saw the beautiful young man who walked in like a light shrouded in light, nodded at Mother Jiang and shouted: "Mom."

He Shujing was confused, but thought of a possibility, and immediately smiled: "Mrs. Jiang, I didn't expect the famous emperor to be your son."

Jiang's mother turned around and chuckled, "You said it's a son. Anyway, my daughter-in-law likes to go unconventional. No one recognizes her as a girl in men's clothes. She is a bit naughty."

He Shujing: "..."

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