The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1558: Hades enters China

Nothing happened, Junci began to get busy with the publication of Star Power.

Her star power is also over, and she plans to go to the United States to see if she can have a network and buy the film and television broadcasting rights of "Star Power".

Of course, she can do it by herself, the key is whether she can buy it from the TV station in the United States.

But this matter is not in a hurry for the time being, at least we have to wait for "Seventh Killer Space" to be released, so that the group of Hollywood people can see her performance.

So Jun Ci went to a company that he hadn't been to for a long time.

She hasn't been here for a long time, and since the company is on track, she has been busy with the movie.

She is almost irresponsible chairman.

But whoever makes the company's most profitable project is almost always the company.

Now the company’s shotguns have changed, the floors have risen again and again, and there are 500 employees of all sizes.

In the industry, it can be regarded as a super large-scale online game company.

Only for online games.

After all, most of the major online game companies in the industry are also involved in other businesses.

Junci's appearance in the company also caused a wave of screams.

Although this group of programmers who work hard and don't care much about the news or current affairs of the entertainment industry, almost everyone knows that their boss is the emperor.

Faced with such a beautiful boy, almost many programmers want to meet her, of course, most of them are women.

"Boss, why are you free to come to the company today?"

As an elite of the current data department, Yao Mao Mao was promoted again, and she was a little surprised to see Junci coming.

The look of Yao's kitten made Jun Ci wonder if she was really too irresponsible, but she still nodded indifferently: "Yes, come and see, is the company busy recently?"

"Very good, everything is normal."

If you are really busy, Junci will definitely know that the two games of the company are running stably and there is almost nothing to do.

Jun Ci nodded, and the little cat Yao saw Jun Ci, and suddenly said gossiping: "Boss, do you remember Lucifer and Hades?"

Jun Ci was startled. There are too many things now. She has already left these hackers behind and has not paid particular attention to it.

But she remembered Lucifer saying that Hades would come to China, and it has been so long now that she hasn't heard any wind.

As soon as he came to the company, Yao kitten said it.

"Lucifer and Hades?" The young man squinted at Yao Kitty: "What's the matter with them?"

Although in Yao's eyes, Lucifer and Hades have an improper relationship, shouldn't it be Yao himself who has an improper relationship with Lucifer?

Yao Kitty’s expression was faintly excited: “Did Hades said that he was coming to find Lucifer last year? I heard that I met Hera on the way. He went to track Hera, but came to China a few days ago. Now I live with Lucifer. Lucifer is also weird. He still hides him and prevents me from seeing him. His house obviously I entered casually some time ago. He took all the keys back. Such a stingy man!"

Junci: "..."

"His Royal Highness, Hades has indeed come to China, and now lives in Lucifer's house. Seeing you were too busy for a while, I also forgot to report..."

In fact, I just played the game by myself, and I didn't pay attention to Hades at all.

After all, Gulu must pay attention to it to check information.

Now when I heard Yao kitten mention this, Gulu hurried to investigate, only to find out that Hades had entered China a few days ago.

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