The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 156: The audition is over, the lineup is set

Jinshan culture is hesitating, and Junci is not in a hurry.

Regarding the broadcasting rights abroad, Junci invited the senior executives of Lizi Video Network to discuss this together.

Exclusive broadcasting right means independent broadcasting right, even if overseas people want to buy it, they must pass the Lizi video network.

Fortunately, Lizi Video Network agreed very happily. If you buy the broadcasting rights overseas, you will have to split the Lizi Video Network half. Why not?

However, overseas websites do not know if it is bullying, and the prices are extremely low.

Three hundred thousand US dollars, a total of two million Chinese national currency.

Compared with foreign countries, the copyright of millions of dollars of video and other copyrights of tens of millions of dollars.

Even if Junci's videos are domestic, the price should not be so low.

Let’s talk about overseas royalties and various projects. The Lizi video website only got hundreds of thousands...

Lizi Video Network: Meow?


Sell ​​a fart!

Let's not talk directly.

Neither party agrees that this is the first time that copyright sales have been discussed.

Overseas websites are not in a hurry. If they disagree with this price, they will not talk to Lizi Video Network.

As if he was sure of something.

Sure what?

Jun Ci sneered when she learned about it, just bullying her as a Chinese.

Originally, in terms of film and television copyright, China has never had an overseas advantage. There are so many special effects movies overseas that most foreigners with unique culture in China cannot accept it.

Only foreign movies are sold in China.

This is also helpless.

In the future, her film will be released, and the foreigners will ask for the selling rights.

Look down on people now, and some will suffer in the future.

Junci doesn't care about these at all.

Merchants all value their interests, and they will know the faces of these people when the film she directed in the future explodes.

After the talk collapsed, only He Jinshan Culture fell into anxiety.

The Jinshan culture side hesitated, and did not want to let it go for the time being. Anyway, there is no other way to find the publishing copyright of Junci, and Junci is not in a hurry.

On the audition side, a week passed.

it's finally over.

Under the selection of Junci, the male and female protagonists and a supporting role were finally selected.

Of course, the leading actress is Luo Lanyi.

As for the male protagonist, Jun Ci was selected on the last day.

A more unexpected actor.

Junci's original intention is to select actors with bright spots.

But the male lead came suddenly on the last day.

He received the news from others and was not invited by Junci, but he came out of interest in the script.

His name is Fu Zhisheng, and he is only famous in the circle.

In fact, he is a very handsome man, and in terms of looks, his looks are very atmospheric.

As long as you put on makeup and enter the play, a pair of eyebrows is a posture of no anger and prestige, and the whole body is like the noble style that has come out of the nobleman.

In fact, his appearance does not quite meet the requirements of Junci, but he can't stand the other party's acting skills.

The shots are still very humble with long lights, which are perfect for controlling various places.

Such a person is not so popular.

It's just because I didn't play a decent male lead role, and occasionally played a supporting role in a few plays, which is not very brilliant.

I don't know if it is due to bad luck or other factors.

Such people are destined to be hot, but there is no Bole.

Not that it happened to be discovered by Jun Ci. In fact, there are quite a few people like Fu Zhisheng in the entertainment industry.

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