The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1560: Your dog is in my hands, if you want it to die, take money to redeem it!

Lucifer realized something when he saw Jun Ci's smile. He frowned slightly: "Do you know?"

Hera's identity has always been a mystery. Even Zeus has no Hera mystery. Although Lucifer does not know the level of EMP's hackers, does she even know Hera's identity now?

The teenager smiled undisguisedly and nodded: "Of course I know, but I won't tell you. Why did you hide Hades so that you wouldn't even let Yao kittens? You are not afraid that Yao kittens have opinions, you people Don't want to chase it?"

Hearing this, Lucifer's expression was a little surprised, but he quickly recovered and shook his head directly: "I don't let her see that there is a reason for me. Besides, you don't know that her head is always a little weird and unpopular. Thoughts, but if you tell me who Hera is, I will let you know why I don’t let the kitten see Hades."

The young man sneered and did not accept such an exchange at all: "I'm sorry, I don't have to know about this. As for Hera, you can check it yourself slowly. Of course I won't tell you."

She knows that Hera's identity is one thing, but since Hera has worked so hard that everyone can't find it out, she won't do such a wicked thing to reveal the identity of others, and Hera has not offended her.

Jun Ci is so decisive, Lucifer frowned: "Such an exchange won't work? Is there any special relationship between Hera and you?"

"of course not."

Jun Ci looked at Lucifer with a trace of contempt in her eyes: "Does it have to be related to me to hide the news for her? Hera has nothing to do with me, and she has not offended me, I can't commit her Let me tell you about the things that are well-known hackers. They use their own strength to investigate. By the way, I am going to see Hades this afternoon."

Lucifer righteously said: "It is very impolite to enter other people's homes without permission."

Jun Ci nodded: "You are right, but I will ask him out by myself, and I will also find out why you don't let the kitten see him."

Lucifer: "..."

Jun Ci turned around and went out, Lucifer behind him silently cursed something, he had to send a letter to Hades first.

Of course, as for the reason why the kitten was not allowed to see Hades, it was a bit ashamed, and Lucifer would of course not say it.

The main thing is that Hades is different from him. He himself belongs to some romantic playboys, and his character is unavoidable. Although Yao Kitty has been dating him, he has never dared to feel too serious.

Probably because I was afraid of getting too deep.

But Hades is different.

The animal has a deceptively gentle face, and its eyes are very confusing when looking at people. According to Lucifer's observation for so long, it is very likely that Yao kitten likes this one, although the kitten is now his girlfriend , But what if the cat changes his heart when he sees Hades?

Who will he cry for then?

The **** of Hades is absolutely irresponsible.

So Lucifer tried his best to prevent the two from meeting.

If you are known for such a ridiculous reason, you will definitely laugh a lot of people.

When Jun Ci left Lucifer’s office, he was going to find Nie Weiyuan, but suddenly received a WeChat video.

She usually doesn't answer it, but after a glance, it turns out that it's piano.

There was no one around, so Jun Ci answered and said coldly, "What are you doing?"

But as soon as I opened the video, I saw a masked man directly said to the video: "Your dog is in my hands. If you want it to die, you can redeem it with money!!"

Junci: "..."

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