The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1568: Blood stains

To be honest, if you look at it from other people, Junci looks a little sneaky now.

So in order not to arouse any suspicion, Jun Ci nodded and said softly: "Find someone."

"Oh." The old woman glanced at the room and said, "You came to find your relatives? No one lives long ago, and you still owe the landlord's rent. If you have anything to do with this family, you don't leave quickly, be careful that the landlord knows. I asked you to pay the rent."

The old woman seemed to be enthusiastic.

At this time Mo Xing suddenly said: "There is indeed no one in the room."

Hearing what it said, Jun Ci softly thanked the old woman and turned to the second floor.

There are a lot more people under the second floor, which seems to be more lively.

There are many children running around in the corridor. This corridor is not big and can only pass by three people side by side. There are more than ten households in rows, and the doors of several households are wide open. Some people choose vegetables or bask outside.

Jun Ci had just arrived in front of the first house on the second floor, and asked the neighbor's uncle squinted to look over: "Are you looking for someone? This person just left and doesn't come often."

The people here are very enthusiastic. Just as Jun Ci smiled and was about to answer, Gulu said, "Your Highness, there are people inside."

Jun Ci smiled.

She asked softly, "Uncle, will there be no one inside after people leave?"

The uncle nodded and replied: "Yes, there must be no one. There is only one person living here. He has just left for two hours. Usually this door is locked and no one has one."

The uncle said there was only one person living, but Guru said there were people inside.

"His Royal Highness, I feel it. It may be a child and two people."

Jun Ci frowned.

There is no one in the house, how could there be two children?

The little spy said it heard the cry of the little girl.

To be honest, the soundproofing of this house is not very good. The cry of the little girl must be everywhere, because there are many children upstairs and downstairs.

It's hard to tell which child the spy heard about, but now Gulu says there is someone inside.

Jun Ci looked inside through the cat's eyes, the room inside, the living room was empty, only a table was placed there.

There is also a small house in the same layout as the fourth floor.


Jun Ci squinted her eyes, and she didn't know if her vision was too good, she vaguely saw a very red pool on the floor in the corner of the living room.

It looks like blood.

If your eyesight is not good, you won’t notice this.

The neighbor's uncle saw that Junci was still watching without leaving, and came up quite fresh: "Young man, what are you looking at?"

Gulu suddenly said a word in his mind.

Jun Ci smiled: "Uncle, if you are sure there is no one inside, I will call the police."

The uncle looked shocked: "Why are you calling the police? Why are you calling the police if there is no one in the room?"

Jun Ci didn't speak, and he took out his phone and called the police decisively.

Because what Gulu said was that there were not only people in the house, but also a child with a broken leg and a child who was blind.

I don't know exactly what Junci is, because Gulu didn't show her, it first looked at it with the magnetic field formed by his own energy.

Just with this description, Junci realized that things were not simple.

Neighbors said that there was no one in the house, but two children with disabilities were hidden inside.

Adding to the pool of blood that Jun Ci saw, she had a problem with her intuition.

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