The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1573: I beg my dad not to fight lesbians

She was talking about what happened after she came out as the master personality.

It shows that she is not familiar with this uncle either.

Jun Ci took the cell phone and sent all the information to her: "This is all things. Which one is more important to weigh yourself? The police are already investigating. If nothing happens, your uncle will definitely not be able to escape. As for your adoptive parents. By the way, I don’t know anymore, remember to call me if you have anything."

Sura asked for a bit.

She looked at the serious look of the teenager at this time, and suddenly smiled: "I see, thank you."

After talking with Sura, the two went back to the city center together.


Sura has been a little uneasy since she learned about it.

After knowing what his uncle had done, Sura felt a little strange.

On the one hand, she does not have deep feelings for her adoptive parents, but on the other hand, after all, they have raised themselves for so many years. What can be the problem?

Back home, Sura saw some strange tension in the always warm family atmosphere today. As soon as she went back, she saw her mother on the phone.

"What? It was found? How could it be possible, what did you do, how did you expose it?"

The elegant father who has always been swearing on the phone, according to the wording, seems to be cursing his uncle.

Sura walked to the door and whispered: "Dad?"

Listen carefully, her father is not warm.

"Sura is back?"

My mother came over from the side, but her eyes were a little cold, she didn't see the usual love for Sura, "Go back to my room first, something happened to our company, your father is very annoying."

There is a command tone that is usually rare in her tone.

This tone has often appeared since the appearance of the master character.

Because they found that Sura in front of him was no longer the obedient Sura he used to be.

Sura was noncommittal about this tone, frowned lightly, and prepared to return to her room with her arms in her arms.

There was something in the palm of her hand, which was left to her by Junci when she left.

She pressed the button below, then turned her head back to see that her adoptive mother was looking at her adoptive father worriedly, with a rare feeling of anxiety.

Adoptive mothers have always paid attention to their own identity, how could such fatigue appear?

Seeing Sula standing there, her adoptive mother's expression was gloomy: "Why are you still standing there? Didn't you tell you to go back to the room?"

"I just thought of one thing suddenly."

Sura opened her mouth and suddenly curled her lips: "Mom, I heard a little bit of news today. I heard that you had adopted five children before me, but since I was a child, why didn't I hear you say that? What about the five children?"

When hearing the five children, the muscles on the adoptive mother's cheeks began to twitch.

Even the adoptive father who was calling looked at this side with an expression of disbelief, and he hung up the phone in an instant: "Who told you? Who did you hear?"

When he said this, his expression was already a bit sullen.

Sura looked at the face of her adoptive father, and suddenly a picture popped out of her mind.

The thin little girl squatted there, making a begging gesture with both hands, and her face was full of tears: "I beg Dad not to troll, I beg Dad not to troll, Lala will be obedient and obedient..."

With a "pop", the screen shattered, and Sura's forehead suddenly began to hurt.

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