All actions and thoughts, as well as targeted thoughts, have been stifled on the front line that cannot be published.

In the current world, the Internet has almost become a situation under full control. People watch less and less TV, and relying on the Internet to obtain news has become the mainstream.

It can be said that if you can't see this on the Internet, then you can almost completely be blocked from any possibility of knowing the news from other channels.

Some people just came here suddenly, all of the emperor was still in the middle of the pyramids, and there were no black spots coming out. Isn't it because he was told that he had a very hard relationship?

The important channel of online news was closed. Although everyone knew about the emperor’s engagement, they had nothing to do for a while.

Jun Ci has long said that when he gets engaged, he will tell his fans as soon as he gets engaged, so of course, other people won’t let others explode about the engagement.

Even if the world has blown up because the emperor is about to get engaged, the Internet is still calm.

Junci knew that many friends who received invitations would definitely continue to send messages to bomb them, so Junci directly blocked all information.

Yuan Chenyan and Bai Duyuan couldn't get through Junci's phone, and they were still shaking when they saw the invitation.

The two of them simply made an appointment to go to Sura, and then went to ask Junci together.

Because Sura is a little bit strong, they are too courageous to go to Junci together.

Sura is now attending classes at the martial arts gym. Seeing these two people come to her and say they are going to Jun Ci to ask what is going on, she sneered: "What else can happen? Hua Guo can't get two men engaged, just It means that one of them is a woman."

The words were so obvious that Yuan Chenyan was horrified: "Does the king's school grass wear women's clothing?"

Digging, what kind of scene is that, Yuan Chenyan feels hot when he thinks about it.

Sura: "..."

She rolled her eyes, and Bai Duyuan next to her seemed to have thought of something, and she was shocked: "Jun... Is the Jun school grass female?"

Oh my god, how is that possible! !

She was about to scream, and even collapsed!

How can such a handsome school grass, such a charming person be a girl?

I really can't imagine it at all!

Bai Duyuan looked like Zhongxie, staring with cold sweat on her forehead.

Yuan Chenyan was stunned when she heard her words, then his face paled: "No...impossible?"

It is not an exaggeration to say that after three years of university, I am the only classmate who has a good relationship with Jun Xiaocao. Is Jun Xiaocao a girl?

The great jealousy of sliding the world!

Sura gave these two meaningful glances and re-entered the martial arts gym: "You have to ask yourself, I'm in class now, you two stay away, don't hinder me from making money, or beat you up."

With a "swipe", Bai Duyuan and Yuan Chenyan moved away from Sula in an instant.

Realizing that it is impossible for Sura to go to Junci with them, these two cowardly you pushed me, I pushed you, but still didn't dare to go, and finally decided to watch a movie in two days anyway. , I'll ask the king's school grass again...

When the two souls were gone, Sura took out her mobile phone and saw the message from Ji Moyin.

Ji Moyin: Lala, I came back on the day that Jun Ci and Jiang Yi got engaged. You are waiting for me in the capital [Little boy, I'm here. JPG]

Sura snorted: "Idiot."

Turning the phone off, the corners of her lips curled up slightly.

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