The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1617: Intuition that the two are related

The teenager smiled softly.

The country has now developed this technology and will show it at the military parade, which is more shocking than her film technology.

Invisible, what an incredible and terrifying technology.

Now it has become a reality.

It is estimated that it will be a sensation in the world for some time, but now it is her new film technology that has triggered a full carnival.

On Silori and Manan's side, there are many invitations to cooperate, and they can handle it for the time being. After this time, they will probably be able to rest for a while.

July 10th is a special day.

In a special hotel in the Imperial Capital, many celebrities haunt here.

You can probably only see a random person here on TV, and even the richest man and important official of some countries. Anyone can cause news shocks.

Luxury cars, extravagant facilities, come and go well-dressed dignitaries.

Just one glance, as if you can get lost in it.

Mr. Jiang wore a very festive today. He wore a big red Tang suit, showing his energy. He was supported by Mrs. Jiang, and his face was full of smiles. The spring breeze greeted the guests.

It is rare to see the old man happy like this.

The smile at the corner of his mouth could not be concealed.


"Congratulations to General Ru."

"It's a big day to celebrate the whole world..."

The guests who came and went all gave their orders, and even the uncle Jiang Yunbei, who rarely returned to Jiang's house, had to come back to help entertain the guests.

Jiang Shao all smiled. Except for a small group of guests who came here, they really didn't know who Junci belonged to. Many people had actually guessed it.

After all, the names of the two are shown on the invitation, which is different from the one printed by Jun Ci, only the name. The Jiang family officially featured the bride-to-be: Jun Ci.

Can't even see this point, can these people still be in this position?

But even so, they couldn't stop their horror.

Such a beautiful young boy is actually a woman?

Girl! !

Many brothers and daughters in the circle are confused.

Although many people in Longfu have made jokes about the general CP, when things came true, the school grass became a girl...

The excitement is simply too great.

A girl is so handsome, how can people live?

Countless people, looking forward to it, are just waiting to see the bride today.

Jun Chengyue also came with Lydia.

In the crowd, the man is still like stars holding the moon, if the bride and groom do not appear, no one on the scene is more eye-catching than him.

Lydia sat aside with her eyes down, actually a little surprised and complicated in her heart.

She didn't expect that her daughter, whom she had just met soon, would be engaged so soon.

But now, as a mother, she cannot give her daughter a fair blessing.

And all this is because of the man surnamed Jun in front...

Thinking of this, her eyes were slightly cold.

A beautiful girl came over, exquisitely as if somewhat cold and frosty like Lydia, looking at Lydia, she raised her eyebrows lightly: "Is anyone sitting here?"

She spoke in English.

Lydia waved gently, motioning her to be free.

And the person sitting in front of her was Sura.

When Sura saw this woman for the first time, she felt that she was very similar to Junci. Intuitively, she sat over because of the relationship between the two.

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