The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1650: provocative

The young man in front of him looked at the reporter, the kind of contempt and arrogance that radiated from his bones was powerless, and his careless appearance made his cheeks hot.

"Are you too naive, or did I not make it clear? You told me which law says that public figures must answer your questions? Which law do you tell me? Huh?"

The last word "en" fell in people's ears, and there was a particularly chilling feeling.

The reporters looked at each other, no one dared to say anything.

After all, the interviews were all with the idea that the emperor might answer some questions. After all, the emperor had also been interviewed by the media before.

But they all know that the relationship between the forces behind the emperor is not simple, and no one is so stupid that they can directly confront the emperor.

The male reporter of the Speed ​​Media Studio wanted to continue to refute, but the photographer behind him pulled him, seeming to be reminding.

The young man laughed, with a slight sarcasm: "I don't need to answer any of your questions, and I don't owe the public an apology. Please remember this clearly. You just need to accept what I tell you, don't talk too much."

Jun Ci is a little angry.

The arrogance in her bones is the crown prince of the interstellar era, but I am used to it.

Maybe it's because my temper has calmed down a little bit after being here for a long time, but one thing hasn't changed from beginning to end. Who dares to force her if she is unhappy?

The young man let out a loud cry, and walked lazily into the community. That arrogant posture was really too piercing.

A bunch of reporters outside the community stared at them with big eyes, and there were so many arrogant interview subjects. I have never seen such an arrogant...

This is not a sign of lack of emotional intelligence. The disdain from the other party is too obvious, and it clearly shows that the two parties are not at the same level.

She didn't need to deal with them at all, so she didn't save face at all.

Media reporters are in control of the life and death of celebrities, and any report can be irreversible.

But when the higher power is in the hands of others?

Let you shut up, don't you have to just shut up?

Only the male reporter from the Speed ​​Media Studio turned pale, as if he was a little unwilling.

After entering the community, Jun Ci saw the piano and the little spy in the community garden downstairs.

Not only the piano, there is also a huge Alaska next to it.

Alaska is very similar to Huskies, but on the whole it is better than Huskies. The piano seems to be confronting that Alaska.

Because she heard the piano provoking each other constantly.

[Come on, you come to beat me! Brother Lao Tzu is here too, look over there, I am back with shoveling shit! 】

Jun Ci felt that it was too damaging to his image, so he didn't intend to control it, so he went upstairs with a glance, and heard the screams behind him without taking two steps.

[Shovel shit, save me, save me, he is looking for help! ! 】

Jun Ci looked back and saw three huge huskies rushing across from the piano. A woman in house clothes just didn't hold her back. While shouting anxiously, the other three Alaskans rushed towards the piano aggressively. Up.

When the piano turned back and ran, Jun Ci saw that its scared face was deformed, and his tongue fluttered in the air. It was more than a stupid one to describe...

The little spy is still urging: "What are you counseling on the piano, you're going to give it to me!"

Junci: "..."

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